Mike Church on Alaskan Oil, Governor Sean Parnell, and the Federal Government

The United States needs oil, lots of oil and it is not just for fuel. Oil is the basis for all our gadgets and toys wrapped in plastic. Viewing the tumultuous events in the Middle East lately we are once again drawn face to face with the reality of that regions instability yet we continue to insist that 1/3 of our oil supply should come from there. This is not only silly but it poses an unwarranted threat to our economy. None of this is lost on Sean Parnell the governor of the state of Alaska. Parnell, writing in the Wall Street Journal wants to know why the feds don’t get the heck out of his way and let Alaskans create 54,700 jobs by extracting their own oil from the Beaufort Sea. Parnell seems to think that if he pleads with or embarrasses Obama enough the federal gubbmint will lift its cast iron strangle hold on Alaska’s resources. That is not going to happen anytime soon. The feds have also infamously commandeered Alaska’s North Slope and ANWAR. This is in addition to all the federal rules,regulations and onerous tax burdens. Parnell ought to do his citizens and future generations of Alsakans a favor by boldly declaring that state as a free country once again. Alaskans will then be free to do what THEY wish with their natural resources. Like digging them out of the ground and selling them to us.

Mike Church can be heard on Sirius Patriot and SiriusXM Right. If you want to get a taste of the Mike Church Show, which is strongly promoted on this blog, you can listen to various Church productions for free on Stitcher, which you can download to your iPhone, Android, Palm Pre, or Blackberry and you can listen online too.