The hawk John McCain shows his defense department ignorance. Pushing to escalate American boys into another endless war, McCain went on record sounding like the madman most of us conservatives understand McCain is.
"Of course we have to have a no-fly zone," McCain said at an event hosted by the Atlantic Council in Washington on Tuesday. "We are spending over $500 billion dollars, not counting Iraq and Afghanistan, on our nation's defense. Don't tell me we can't do a no-fly zone over Tripoli."
"I love the military, I love it, it's been my life, but they always seem to find reasons why you can't do something rather than why you can," he added.
Senator McCain, to promote a military action with this attack on Libya, which doesn't meet the Constitutional requirements of our military (to provide a common defense) but does seem to comply with the neocon view published through the Bush Doctrine, would require additional appropriations beyond the basic $500 billion (which is really nearly $700 billion) appropriated to operate the military. Do you think China will write the check for you Mr. McCain?