The economy isn't good no matter how Obama tries to spin it. You get the feeling he feels if he could have spent just a little bit more than the over $800 billion in stimulus, the wheels of this economy would be a well-oiled turbo-charged machine. We may soon find out.
It appears the Japanese earthquake sending a tsunami to Hawaii and the western United States may be the natural disaster Obama needed to encourage another stimulus. Hawaii News Now writes don't consider the tsunami hurtful to the local Hawaiian economy.
Why not? Obviously this could have an impact on tourism right?
The natural disaster of a tsunami could actually provide a temporary boost to the global economy.
Larry Summers, former director of President Obama's economic council and a former head of the World Bank, said rebuilding could temporarily boost the Japanese economy.
Summers suggested this in an interview Friday on CNBC. He added that the global economy is more resilient than most people think.
Oh, what this means is more federal dollars to rebuild areas hit by the tsunami. You just get the feeling they are planning something bigger than need be with lots of extra projects that may turn federal FEMA aid into a new stimulus package knowing how optimistic Summers is. We can never forget Rahm Emanuel's words either about not letting something of this magnitude go to waste in order to push your political agenda.