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Billy Long admits to doing what the Washington career politicians tell him to do. |
Billy Long is a puppet. There can be no denying that now. If the Republican establishment tells the Congressman to jump, he better jump and not waste time asking how high. This is evident Long's co-sponsorship of HR 607. Before we get too far into this, let's recall the praise Billy Long received from the KWTO morning host subbing for one Brian Calfano.
The host told the few who listen to KWTO that one of the first bills Long would introduce in Congress is a bill that requires are legislators to read the bills before they vote on the bill. However, we are finding out Billy Long obviously isn't reading bills, even the ones he co-sponsors. "Just put my name on that one too Congressman King!"
This has been exposed as Billy Long "shoots himself in the foot" exposing how little he knows about the controversial HR 607, which would take away HAM radio frequencies to create an emergency broadband network. Why do they need an emergency broadband network on the federal level? Could it be for when Obama decides to pull the Internet kill switch? That's unknown, but it has been suggested.
So, while I was taking on final hike in the Great Smoky Mountains yesterday, the Springfield News Leader exposed that Billy Long doesn't read the bills he co-sponsors like HR607. Long is obvious too busy at buffets and gambling establishments on the outskirts of DC to read bills you know.
But when asked about the provision in the bill that would sell off the frequency used by amateur radio operators, Long said that was news to him. He said he co-sponsored the bill because King, the homeland security chairman, asked him to and because the bill is supported by many organizations that are committed to public safety, something he values.
He co-sponsored the bill because Peter King asked him too. Gee, this has me worried since it was Long Island Republican Peter King who suggested we need more gun control after the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, not to mention Billy Long promised us he would read the bills. Did Long get the title of Vice Chair by promising King he wouldn't oppose him on the Homeland Security committee?
Isn't it funny, the News Leader exposes this less than a week after I, the controversial anti-Billy Long blogger simply asked the question: Does Billy Long do what Peter King tells Billy Long to do?
Congressman Peter King (R-NY) has introduced another piece of legislation, and to no surprise, Billy Long is once again the co-sponsor of the legislation. Now this is interesting since Billy Long said he was fed up with career politicians in Washington, because it's obvious now whatever Peter King does Billy Long follows.
So in two months, King has sponsored three high profile bills and Long's name has showed up on everyone of them, including the ones that grow government like the "If You See Something Say Something Act of 2011," which gives Janet Napolitano more power through a citizen spy network that you will soon see take form on video monitors at your local Walmart. As well, King and Long have been criticized for their collaboration to taken HAM radio frequencies and use them for emergency broadband internet WiFi frequencies, something that looks like it might be set up for the Internet kill switch. Now Long has put his name on King's Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Security Authorization Act of 2011, H.R. 901, proving once again, Long is hanging with the career politicians rather than offer anything fresh to DC culture.
What else has Billy Long put his name on that he doesn't have an understanding of? This is dangerous! Billy Long is dangerous because he doesn't have the brains enough to realize the impact of the legislation he co-sponsors and votes on. As well, how could he not know that HAM radio operators were cursing him? I know his staff gets Billy Long alerts from Google every time something is posted about Long. Remember his communication director, Bret Funk, complaining on Twitter about the number of alerts?
So we have an uneducated Congressman in Washington who is doing exactly what the career politicians in Washington tell him to do. It came from Billy Long's mouth, not my keyboard.
But when asked about the provision in the bill that would sell off the frequency used by amateur radio operators, Long said that was news to him. He said he co-sponsored the bill because King, the homeland security chairman, asked him to.
What happened to Fed Up Billy Long who was fed up with career politicians and was going to Washington to fight for you and me? Apparently, there was never a "fed up" Billy Long, and that was the creation of Jeff Roe in a conference room at Billy Long's Auctions office just before the primary, in which Roe came out of the office screaming, "we f*%^ing nailed it." It appears once again, Billy Long is fighting for big federal government like the rest of the decepticons claiming to be from the party of Ronald Reagan and not the people he represents.
What concerns me more is Long is making excuses for not knowing what is in the bills he co-sponsors. This time Long uses the excuse of letters and e-mails from constituents in his office as the reason he is unfamiliar with the bill he co-sponsored.
"I know ham radio operators are important, but this is the first I've heard that they're upset about it," the Springfield Republican said, adding that his office gets thousands of letters and e-mails each week.
How many of you think your correspondence with Mr. Long actually gets read by Mr. Long? Let me tell you how this works. The Constitution says a member of Congress should represent about 30,000 people. Billy Long represents over 700,000 people. That's the first problem. Long can in now way represent the interests of over 700,000 people. Neither can any other member of Congress. Therefore, they have document management systems in place that look for keywords in your concerns to your Congressman and send out form letters in hopes you won't notice. I know this, because I have tested it with Claire McCaskill, receiving identical letters that didn't address my concerns.
How much more clear does it get than this? Billy Long is establishment. He freely admits he does what Peter King tells him to do. This isn't what Southwest Missourians bought into when they sent a candidate who claimed to be fed up with the way things are done in Washington.