Four Democrats Join Republicans to Block Obama's EPA Rules: H.R. 910 and S. 482

Cap and trade is held up in the Senate, but that hasn't stopped Obama. He is allowing the EPA to make the rules from within their bureaucracy to enforce the carbon restrictions in the cap and trade bill. The Republicans have promised to block these rules, and now they have Democrats joining them.

Rep. Nick Rahall of West Virginia, Rep. Collin Peterson of Minnesota, Rep. Dan Boren of Oklahoma and Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia will sponsor a bill supported by 43 Senate and seven House Republicans that would bar the EPA from using federal law to control greenhouse gases from power plants, refineries and other industrial facilities.

My question will Republicans like Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) join the Democrats since he voted for the cap and trade bill in the House.

The bills are H.R. 910 and S. 482.