Charlie Sheen and John Boehner: Finally, The Tea Party Starts Speaking Out Against John Boehner and the Republicans

DeceptiCONS! That's what these latest Republicans elected to a majority in the House of Representatives are proving themselves to be. They haven't made any serious spending cuts, they voted for more intrusive government with the Patriot Act, and their compromise to keep the federal government open.

Many are losing faith in the GOP. While this Tea Party member has been critical for a number of months, ever since John Boehner released his pledge to America with only a meager $100 billion promised in spending cuts (and they were incapable of delivering that), the Tea Party Nation founder is finally speaking up--a little late to the dance.

"Charlie Sheen is now making more sense than John Boehner." At least that's what Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips says, and he doesn't mean it as a compliment.

Seriously, did you have faith in Boehner Mr. Phillips? He should have let you down months ago with the meager promise of $100 billion and not any dime more.

The Tea Party Nation called out Speaker Boehner because the federal budget the House passed cut $61 billion, instead of the $100 billion they wanted. Their anger was amplified when Boehner hailed that budget's passage through the House as a success.

"If this is the best John Boehner can do and John Boehner is the only hope we have right now, then we are sunk," Phillips writes. "By the time we can replace Obama as president, in 2013, we will be trillions of dollars of more into debt and may hit the point of economic collapse."

I wonder if the Tea Party Patriot HQ in Branson has the courage to call out their favorite new neocon Congressman Billy Long. Ms. Sukman, were waiting... They promised $100 billion and only delivered $61 billion. Checking the Tea Party Patriot HQ's Web site, there was nothing stating they were upset with Congressman Long for lying to them about the $100 billion in cuts, but there was a new picture of Tera Sukman showing lots of skin, an endorsement of neocon Don Rumsfeld's new book, and an article asking why Congress doesn't care about the unemployed. As usual, the Tea Party Patriot HQ of Branson, Missouri just doesn't get it. It's all about Tera.