Wall Street Journal Asks When Will Americans Consider the TSA a Terrorist Group

The Wall Street Journal has an excellent article, which author Al Lewis asks when will the American people decide the the TSA is a terrorist organization. He writes:

When will Americans declare the Transportation Security Administration a terrorist organization?

The TSA has evolved far beyond shaking down little old ladies for hair gel and children for liquid-filled snow globes.

Now it snaps naked pictures with creepy Advanced Imaging Technology machines, subjecting you to unknown health risks from radiation. And if you don't want to submit to this high-tech horror, one of its tub stackers will gladly pat down your genitals instead.

Several U.S. senators last week told TSA Director John Pistole that maybe his agency has gone too far. Ya think?

"I wouldn't want my wife being touched in the way these folks are being touched," Sen. George LeMieux, (R., Fla.) cried.

Mr. Pistole, an impeccably shaven former FBI official, was freakishly unrepentant: "I recognize the invasiveness of it. I also recognize the threats are real."

Terrorists are indeed a threat. But terrorists do not have their hands on our pants.

He then goes on to talk about the don't touch my junk guy from the San Diego airport. Then in closing he brings up the boogie man and a great point. Read carefully.

This is America, where we used to have a right to privacy and constitutional protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. But terrorists -- who we dare not profile at the airports because that's unconstitutional -- have given Washington power-mongers an excuse to turn America into an ever more invasive police state...

And where does Mr. Pistole's argument end? If a little touching ensures our safety, wouldn't a cavity search ensure it further? Clearly, we'd be safer flying naked with no luggage at all.

If you don't like it, don't fly. That's essentially how Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano recently put it -- as if the airline industry needs another round of bankruptcies.

This strange nightmare began with three strange words: Osama bin Laden. Anybody know where he went? Or is our government too busy molesting the flying public to keep looking?