The TSA Will Create a Commuting Disaster if they Move Forward With Subway and Train Checkpoints

As a former of resident of the Chicago area, I was fortunate never to deal with the reality of a real commute. I always tried to ensure my office was just a few blocks to miles away from my apartment or condo. You'd be surprised how much better life is when you aren't stuck in traffic two to three hours a day. Of course, there is an alternative for those living in Chicagoland. Many workers ride Metra or 'L' trains to work, and as of now, they do so without the harassment of the federal government.

With that said, the direction of the TSA under John Pistole should worry anyone who deals with a daily commute. Pistole announced very quickly after taking the position of head of the TSA that commuter trains may soon face the same type of security that is seen in airports. Of course, this may all be part of the plan to get people out of suburban areas closer to big cities where they be controlled more. (As you know, many liberals blame suburbia for the coming energy crisis and global warming.)

Pistole told USA Today on July 17, 2010, that protecting trains will be a top priority for his tenure at the TSA. This week Bis Sis Janet Napolitano enforced this was coming down the line. Can you imagine the TSA at every 'L' stop in Chicago or subway stop in New York? Can you imagine the cost to taxpayers to create the illusions of safety in cities like St. Louis that have trains like the Metrolink to provide security? The TSA is out of control.

Perhaps, it's whats needed to wake more Americans up to the soft tyranny--the American police state--that continues to evolve through the Department of Homeland Security and the TSA. While for most Americans, TSA airport security is just a minor inconvenience once or twice a year as they vacation, more Americans will be affected by the TSA if they slow down the morning and afternoon commutes for those riding these commuter trains. Make someone wait an hour in line to go through a naked body scanner or a junk grabbing pat down, and soon their commute times just doubled. Is this what it's going take to get Americans to wake?

It's coming, and you know how long the lines at the airport are. Can you imagine what it's going to be like at commuter station rail stops where the space doesn't allow a vast area to employ enough TSA employees to conduct pat downs? What a mess! It might be the final straw that makes more Americans push back against this oppressive police state.