Sopranos William S. Borroughs Seven Souls Season 6 Episode 1 Opening

It's days like today, I miss the Sopranos. It was a well-written show with interesting characters and a great story line. I have always though the Season 6 Episode one montage, which explores the year that past between seasons five and six was the best opening of the entire season.

So why am I bringing this up. I just finished a conversation about Billy Long in Washington during freshmen orientation. This person said Billy Long reminds them of Pauly Walnuts in Season 2 Episode 3, Commendatori. If you remember Tony Soprano takes Pauly Walnuts to Italy on business, but Pauly turns it into a vacation. There is a scene at the dinner table which Tony calls Pauly out. This person sees the similarities of Long in Washington to Pauly in Italy. I agreed. It's a great comparison.

Anyway, the video above features William S. Burroughs reading Seven Souls set to music for the Sopranos.