Order Your TSA Opt Out Cards: Know Your Rights at the Airport

Former US Congressman Bob Barr along with the LibertyGuard.org are distributing free TSA Opt Out Cards. On the cards on the rights of airline passengers, which can fit conveniently into your wallet or purse.

Barr issued the following letter to travelers:

Dear Friend of Liberty,
Groping, naked X-Ray scans, and invasive searches by government bureaucrats -- probably not what you had in mind as part of your holiday travels. Like many Americans, you might even be having second thoughts about flying this holiday season to avoid these invasions to your privacy at our nation's airports.
That's why Liberty Guard is launching the Opt Out Alliance and distributing Traveler's Rights Cards.
The cards provide you with:
  • The appropriate steps to Opt Out of TSA Full-Body Scanners and "enhanced" pat downs.
  • Information on how to file an official complaint -- on the spot.
  • A traveler's Hotline Number to report your experience to the media.
As a friend and supporter of personal liberty, we're offering this card at no-charge to you -- all you have to do is request your Traveler's Rights Card below.
Your card contains the vital information you need to know when the TSA agents ask you to step aside for your groping or ask to view you naked through the X-Ray scanner . . .
. . . Including information that isn't even on the TSA's own government website! In fact, you'd have to dig deep on the Department of Homeland Security's website to find your rights.
I'm sure you've heard the humiliating stories in the news and posted on the Drudge Report's website.
One of the stories that really caught my attention was a 21-year-old college student from Texas. She was asked to go through "extended search procedures" by the TSA. The TSA agent pulled the woman's blouse completely down, exposing her breasts to everyone in view.
Did the TSA agents apologize to the young college student? No, they laughed and continued to humiliate her when she re-entered the boarding area!
No American citizen should have to undergo this kind of abuse from their own government!
And now that you'll have your own Traveler's Rights Card in your wallet or purse, you'll know your rights and won't have to suffer this humiliation.
We're also using these cards as a starting point for a massive campaign we hope will ultimately build enough pressure to dismantle the out-of-control TSA bureaucracy and return dignity and respect for passengers to airports.
To do this, we're planning on emailing and sending postal letters to millions more and running ads calling attention to the TSA's overreach and personal invasion.
So please, fill out your information below to order your very own wallet-sized Traveler's Rights Card today. It's important you are able to defend yourself.
I look forward to mailing you your very own Traveler's Rights Card today.