Leaked: Billy Long Was an Embarrassment at Freshman Congressman Orientation Last Week

More people are claiming Long was
a tourist during freshman orientation.
I just received a phone call from Dean Moore, the former conservative congressional candidate who shared a conversation he has upon Billy Long returning from Washington DC and freshman orientation. It's being asked in Republican Beltway political circles, what were the people of Missouri 7 thinking with they elected Billy Long.

In fact, that appears to be the exact quote coming from a connected GOP handler from Arizona who worked with the Congressional freshmen last week. The GOP official who leaked information about Billy Long's behavior in Washington DC was an advisor to Dick Cheney and served John McCain's presidential election campaign.

He notes behavior by the auctioneer that will soon gain Democrat's attention as they begin focusing on new Republicans in hopes of embarrassing the GOP establishment. The handler fears Billy Long will be an easy target to zero in on after observing him during freshman orientation.

As you know, Billy Long kept his iPhone in hand ready to tweet about the events taking place at freshman orientation. Perhaps, it was the tweets and a number of other distractions (like whether to wear the cowboy hat for the official freshman photo or not) that forced Billy Long to continue to ask questions over and over again about materials that were already presented during the orientation. The handler also noted Long appeared lost much of the time as if the conversation was above him.

As well, the handler noted Billy Long felt the need to tell jokes constantly during inappropriate times during the orientation, and often made jokes out of situations that weren't appropriate.

The GOP handler notes that Long stands out in a crowd and often brings attention to himself, but not necessarily positive attention.

Remember, last week, I concluded that Billy Long's tweets weren't for the service and benefit of Southwest Missourians, but were for more of a look at me I'm in DC, as it appears he went out of his way to get his picture taken with Nancy Pelosi. It appears party insiders are pushing the notion that I was correct. Billy Long was a tourist rather than an elected soon to be member of Congress.

Once again, this insider asked, what were the people of Missouri 7 thinking when they elected Billy Long. Tell me you aren't surprised.