If I am Getting Groped by the TSA, It Better be by a Hot Female: Gerald Celente Expresses Outrage Over the TSA

Gerald Celente was on Fox and Friends. He is the founder of the Trends Research Institute, which predicts future events accurately. Celente calls the Patriot Act the raping of the Constitution act as he explains why doesn't approve of the actions of the federal government from Patriot Act on. He discusses the can of worms that Patriot Act has opened up and asks where will these pat downs end?

Citing his Fourth Amendment as the reason why he shouldn't be patted down, Celente asks what twisted mind in the TSA came up with the idea it's okay for a guy to grope another guy. Celeste says he might be for getting patted down if the TSA agent was a female who wore a bikini.

Then in all seriousness, Celente points out how Americans are being duped into accepting this tyranny from the TSA.