Billy Long is Working a Second Job as the News-Leader's Washington Photographer: Picks Pelosi Picture for Paper

The Springfield News-Leader Senior Editor David Stoeffler has commented on the News-Leader Web site that the paper has encouraged Billy Long in the self-promotion we have seen in recent days since Billy went to Washington. The News-Leader didn't give credit to the photos that were appearing in the paper and on their Web site, but when they were called out on it, Stoeffler provided insight to the source of the photos. He writes:

Sorry for my slow reply today: too many meetings. The photos should have been credited. Becauase we did not have access to a photographer, we asked Billy Long if he would share some of his snapshots and these were two he chose to send. He sent another one today that is being posted on our Inside Missouri Politics blog.

The two pictures Billy Long chose to send first includes
Madame Pelosi, the Wicked Witch of the West. (remember Rush
Limbaugh played Ding Dong the Witch is Dead)

Knowing this, guess what was one of the first pictures Billy Long sent to the News-Leader to publish? Chronologically, you will see it was the photo of Billy with Nancy Pelosi. Why in the world would you ask this woman, who Billy Long has demonized rightfully so for ruining our country to pose for a snapshot with you? More importantly, why is Billy Long wanting this photo to be published in the paper?

If it were me, I would have given the respect deserved of her office, but nothing more. I definitely wouldn't be posing for pictures with her out of principle to the direction she has led this country.

Now some Republicans and conservatives are in denial over this. They still want to believe that Billy Long is fed up and is going to make a difference in Washington, but anyone following Long this week can clearly see Long loves the attention of Washington, he is showboating in the media and with these pictures, his tweets suggest he's a little kid in a candy store, and he does't come across very fed up with the Washington establishment. He is embracing both sides of the establishment.

Here is one obvious Billy defender:

It's a bit of a formality to have you picture taken with the current Speaker as an incoming member of Congress. Wait till he has to pose with Obama for that formal picture.

The problem is, this isn't a formal picture. This is a snap shot taken from a camera phone which means Billy Long probably asked to pose with the wicked witch of the west.

If you don't see Billy Long over enjoying and taking advantage of the excess of Washington after these few days, you obviously are blinded by a big elephant standing in your way. Billy Long isn't one of us. He is one of them. He is the establishment, and he is yukking it up with the establishment.