Southwest Missourians Upset at Billy Long Over HR 607 and the Truth Billy Long Does What He is Told to Do in Congress

The Springfield News-Leader article on Billy Long's ignorance over HR 607, a bill he co-sponsored, is angering Southwest Missourians. Long admitted he was told to co-sponsor the bill and didn't realize the bill robs HAM radio operators of their frequencies. Now it appears Southwest Missouri is finally waking up to what I have been warning them about when it comes to Congressman Long.

In the article, Long said he wasn't aware of HAM radio operators being upset with him over his co-sponsorship of HR607. Here are some comments in reaction to the News-Leader exposing the truth about Long, and Long probably still doesn't get it.

I have been a ham radio operator for over 40 years. All I have to say is voted for the guy, now live with him and his decisions. Its just another case of damage the repukes have done to society since the last election.


Good job billy, you support it because they asked you too, but didn't bother to even read it or do any research on the bill.

"Long said that was news to him. He said he co-sponsored the bill because King, the homeland security chairman, asked him to and because the bill is supported by many organizations that are committed to public safety,

Well golly gosh billy there is no work to this job just vote when they ask you too

How about push away from the dinner table and put so effort into the job, you know read the bill before supporting it.


wow s there anybody more worthless than billy long he is in over his head at at job way above the realm of possibilities he gets more incompetent every second he stays in this job


Recall petition for Billy, none too soon.


What Billy need to learn is the ham operator is the last line of defence when it come to all communications are down.The Operstor are the only people that can relay messeges back on any disaster that occurs.Come on Billy pull your head of that dark place or the people of Springfield are gonna do it for ya.


This will be another boondoggle, just like when they took most of the 220mhz band, sold it to someone, who ended up not even using it. Next time there is an ice storm or tornado, maybe the hams should sit this one out, and show everyone....but, that isnt how we are.


I dont blame Billy Long for any of his actions, I blame the people who actually VOTED for him. Stop voting for people based on the (D) or the (R) next to there name. Billy is a good ole boy business man who is in WAY over his head!


I can't believe my eyes, the newly elected republican didn't read the bill! I thought that was why he was sent up there. Guess not. I can't say I am at all suprised...He just does what he was bought and paid for to do, follow the party line.


Read this post for February 12, 201:

Does anyone else recall Long making a promise that he would read every bill that was presented to him?

I think it was on a local radio show during the primary.

I seem to recall that he wanted to make it a law that reps had to read the bill.

It might have been on Jericho's show?

Jim Lee


Billy Long is nothing more than a puppy on a leash.


In all sincerity, why, again, did any of you vote for Billy Long? What exactly did you think he was going to do? I am serious. I really want to know.


Billy will support anything dealing with "Ham". Just like Obama will support anything dealing with Marxism.


What scares me is that Billy Bob is simply one amongest many in WDC we have elected, they act on bills that they have no knowledge of and simply because someone in their party ask them to or that, it goes along with their party. Niether party can claim they are not subject to it, both are guilty and we the tax payer pays for their ignorance, arrogance and just out right laziness of not reading what they are voting on. I truly believe we have people there in WDC that have no idea or concept of what a million, let alone a billion or trillion represents and our national debt is totally unpayable.


Auctnr1's latest tweet: Lots of great comments about how helpful our District Offices & DC office have been to constituents - GREAT TO HEAR - Thank you staff!!!

From SNL story: "I know ham radio operators are important, but this is the first I've heard that they're upset about it," the Springfield Republican said, adding that his office gets thousands of letters and e-mails each week.


Does Long realise he is in Washington---my God he better get his act together. The wording--WELL I DIDN'T KNOW IT WOULD MAKE THEM MAD indicates he doesn't have a clue as to what the bill even does or says. Yes sir that's the same man that said he was FED-UP. Well Billy long you have been in office for less that half a year and you already screwed the pooch way to many time. Stick to calling Hogs or what every you do best.


Come on Billy! Don't be lazy and actually read this article since it doesn't look like you really took the tine to read the bill! And take time to notice how this would affect all the volunteers that work so HARD and risk their life to keep YOU and your family safe. You really have no biz in office and I'm proud to say you sire didn't get my vote. What a joke....


I seem to recall that the Springfield News-Leader ENDORSED Billy Long. If I recall correctly they called him the best choice to represent the values and ideas of the district. Well I guess you get what you vote for. Enjoy!


So this is what we get from Billy? Wouldn't you think the co-sponsor of a bill would read it first and know its contents? Geeez......he ran on the "fed up" thingy and job creation. Hey Billy-where are the jobs? As far as I can tell, this bill isn't about jobs. The repugs love to talk about job creation but I have yet to see anything positive on that subject. In the meantime, Billy continues to do what Roy and friends tell him to do.


I voted for Billy Long. But, I will do everything within my power to see he does not get elected again. The only way thousands of people in Japan today is throught HAM radio. We don't do it for the money, us HAMS do it to let people in the U.S. know that there Japaneese families and friends are safe, hurt, or dead. Althogh I have always supported Roy Blunt. If I find out he is partly behind this. His political life is over also. I have lost faith in the democrates, but I will vote for them over this type of republican.


Jimmy Carter had Billy.
We got a Billy too!
I understand representatives can not/do not read each bill but IF YOU SPONSOR A BILL...........READ IT! DUH!


I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that Billy F'ed Up Long knows where to find a high stakes card game in Georgetown.


The people of the 7th District should be embarrassed that we sent this buffoon to Washington.


Billy Long; If you sponsor a bill in congress, you need to know everything about that piece of legislation. Long told the News and Leader "that was news to him. He said he co-sponsored the bill because King, the homeland security chairman, asked him to" Billy, they have a interesting establishment in Washington D.C. It is called "The Library of Congress". I doubt, however, If you will see to many congressmen there. A tour guide could probably direct you to it. Don't just go along with your so called good old boys. Get out there research how a bill will affect us and then do what is good for the people of Southwest Missouri, not just the high dollar special interest groups but all of us........................ Sincerely, James


This bafoon really should go back to auctioneering, at least he was half decent at that.
