Mitt for Brains Romney on the early campaign trail, as Republicans hit key primary states this week, says he will issue an executive order allowing all 50 states to opt out of Obamacare. Of course he isn't quite ready to say Romneycare, which Obamacare was built around was a failure. He is encouraging states to adopt their own Romneycare program once they get their waiver through executive order.
Romney writes:
If I were president, on Day One I would issue an executive order paving the way for Obamacare waivers to all 50 states. The executive order would direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services and all relevant federal officials to return the maximum possible authority to the states to innovate and design health-care solutions that work best for them.
As I have stated time and again, a one-size-fits-all national plan that raises taxes is simply not the answer. Under our federalist system, the states are “laboratories of democracy.” They should be free to experiment. By the way, what works in one state may not be the answer for another. Of course, the ultimate goal is to repeal Obamacare and replace it with free-market reforms that promote competition and lower health-care costs. But since an outright repeal would take time, an executive order is the first step in returning power to the states.
So instead of one Obamacare and one Romneycare, we will have Obamacare combined with 50 different versions of Romneycare, which sounds like an even bigger mess full of more government red tape that will assuredly drive up costs. Yup, we don't call him Mitt for Brains Romney for nothin' around here. Why do these Republicans always feel they have to REPLACE Obamacare with something that requires more government?
Here's something else I note from this. Romney is another Republican running on his pro-business common sense. I have personally observed in Southwest Missouri how this business common sense is quickly forgotten when it gets to Washington through the bumbling freshman Congressman Billy Long. It appears Mitt for Brains Romney's business common sense is nothing but worthless pathos when you consider the mess he created in Massachusetts with Romneycare and the fact he wants to multiply it by 50.