Game On: US Launches Military Presence in Libya

The first signs the United States is prepared to fight a third war have began showing up near Libya, the northern African country. Two U.S. amphibious assault ships are now in the Mediterranean after clearing the Suez Canal.

The USS Ponce and the USS Kearsarge carry United States Marines. They will be used to put pressure on Gadaffi, as the United States sets up a no-fly zone, which the Marines could be used to secure vital air targets as the United States Navy keeps the USS Enterprise ready if needed to knock out air defense systems.

The president who once claimed he was going to end the wars, appears ready to start a third war. Obama said all options are on the table. I probably don't have to tell you what that means. I should remind you, that US military forces are stretched thin and have been at war for a very long time without a clear victory. One has to ask if Libya is just more empire building, or if we are truly there for the right reasons. I suspect it's more empire building.