Dr. Jane Reed Continues to Push the International Baccalaureate Lie in Ozark, MO

Stick to the talking points with a laugh and a smile. Make those with the concerns sound silly. This is a tactic often used in debate, and it was apparent once again at Ozark High School moves forward with determination to turn Ozark High School into a "World School" with a curriculum partially designed by an international body known as the International Baccalaureate.

Their goal is to produce "global citizens." It reminds me of the goals for the 14th Amendment after the Civil War which betrayed states' rights and turned Virginians, New Yorkers, Carolinians, Missourians, Arkansans,and all the other states into Americans therefor dulling the ideas of the Tenth Amendment and state sovereignty, essentially an attack on federalism. Now they want to give less meaning to what it means to be an American for this globalist ideal. Honestly, it didn't work too well in the United States, and now they want to do it on a much grander scale.

The Christian County Headerliner writes today:

“We are a small, conservative community, a conservative school and an even more conservative board,” Chuck Fugate, board president said. “We have had dozens of parents interested in this program, but we have also heard concern about the program being anti-American. What would you say to that?”

With a laugh and a shake of the head, Reed assured the board the program is as American as current district curriculum.

“The IB curriculum is just a framework, you are free as a local community to decided how you want to implement it,” she said. “Today’s world is a global marketplace with a global focus, I think we would be remiss in the education of our children if we didn’t address that.”

First of all, I don't like this idea that Mr. Fugate is trying to confuse conservativism with this idea that surrendering more local control of the schools is a conservative idea. It's not. Conservatives want people like Fugate to make their school districts better through more local control and less federal control--and especially no International influence. Fugate is clouding the waters here, and I don't believe he is a conservative at all based on what I know about the IB. He is throwing this term around like baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet.

Listen to what Dr. Jane Reed says with a laugh and a smile.

“The IB curriculum is just a framework, you are free as a local community to decided how you want to implement it,” she said. “Today’s world is a global marketplace with a global focus, I think we would be remiss in the education of our children if we didn’t address that.”

Really? Does this make sense to you? The students of Ozark must meet strict requirements in order to receive an IB diploma, which is well documented. This is more than just framework. It's really indoctrination, indoctrination with a clear agenda. If the Ozark School Board is free to decide how they want to implement this program then why pay the money to implement it all and seek the guidance from the International Baccalaureate? Doesn't it only make sense if the school board and administrators already have the wisdom to better prepare students for college so much they don't need the curriculum then why subscribe to the curriculum in the first place at the expense of taxpayers? The truth is "framework" is another word that guises the agenda. If you don't implement the program to the standards of the IB, then the kids won't get the IB diplomas. Don't be fooled by this flexibility as the Internet is full of student's tales who didn't meet the IB's agenda.

Now, let's look at Dr. Reed's claim the IB will provide education as American as apple pie (not exactly her words, but these people pushing the IB are always waving American flags). The following is a list of values the IB supports. Tell me if you think they sound American or "conservative:"

The International Baccalaureate supports gun control. 

While the IB agenda does't say so directly, they advocate for a number of left-wing, anti American organizations which I will use this article to point out. The first is the IB has ties to the United Nations, and the IB supports the United Nation's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 

Let's thumb a few pages into this declaration and read what it thinks of America's founding documents, which include the Second Amendment. Article 29 of the UN document puts the United Nations in authority over individual rights. If this plan was adopted world wide under the Untied Nation's authority, the founding documents would come second and be irrelevant. Unlike America’s founding documents, which describe individual rights as "inalienable." Article 29 states: "These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations."

Do I need to remind you that United Nations continues to push for gun control in the United States? 

International Baccalaureate Endorses Anti-Free Market and Anti-Capitalism Causes

George Soros runs an organization called the Open Society Institute. OSI has openly endorsed the same doctrine the IB endorses called the Earth Charter. Listen to what Soros' organization has to say about the Earth Charter.

OSI endorsed a 2000 document called the Earth Charter, which blames capitalism for many of the world's environmental, social, and economic problems. According to the Charter, “the dominant patterns of production and consumption are causing environmental devastation, the depletion of resources, and a massive extinction of species.” “The benefits of development,” adds the Charter, “are not shared equitably and the gap between rich and poor is widening."

Here is the IB's press release in support of the Earth Charter:

We, the undersigned, endorse the Earth Charter. We embrace the spirit and aims of the document. We pledge to join the global partnership for a just, sustainable, and peaceful world and to work for the realization of the values and principles of the Earth Charter. We pledge to join the Global Partnership in Support of the Earth Charter Initiative for a sustainable way of life AND urge all governments to endorse the Earth Charter. 

Support for Abortion--Including Radical Abortions

The IB looks to a few select individuals for ethical guidance. One of the prominent IB figures in the United States is Peter Singer. Singer's views on abortion are controversial, and since the IB looks to him for their own code of ethics, he is fair game since he is a figure that is driving the IB agenda.

Singer once argued "newborns lack the essential characteristics of personhood—"rationality, autonomy, and self-consciousness"—and therefore "killing a newborn baby is never equivalent to killing a person, that is, a being who wants to go on living."

Yes I remind  you this is one of the people the IB seeks out to build their "ethical" foundation.

Supports Communist Ideas and the Redistribution of Wealth

The IB themes taken together constitute a worldview--an overall philosophy of life. According to UNESCO, the worldview taught by IB includes the promotion of the Earth Charter (a religious/pantheistic document),* the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (which views human rights the same way Communist countries view human rights) ** and multiculturalism (which is based on the ideology of Italian Marxist, Antonio Gramsci).***[http://www.unesco.org/education/asp/studies.shtml]

These are not conservative American ideas like Mr. Fugate wants you to believe. Further more, one of the key beliefs of the IB is the redistribution of wealth, and their lesson plans often invoke the same radical left-wing environmentalism that continues to weaken American industry.

What the John Birch Society Says About the International Baccalaureate

The John Birch Society, which is a Constitutional conservative think tank (ever heard of them Mr. Fugate?) has produced a solid list of the Earth Charter, which is endorsed to by the International Baccalaureate and compared it to the the truly American Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Considering this simple list, I would be concerned about anything the Ozark School board tries to pass off in favor of the International Baccalaureate. It doesn't get anymore simpler than this, and this all stems from the press release from the IB supporting the Earth Charter.

The Earth Charter comprises the backbone of IB science, ethics, literature and history programs, because that is UNESCO’s approach to foreign policy issues. Briefly, the primary elements of the Earth Charter are:
  • Earth worship (pantheism).
  • Socialized medicine.
  • World federalism.
  • Income redistribution among nations and within nations.
  • Contraception and “reproductive health” rights (inc., legal abortion).
  • World-wide “education for sustainability” which means planned communities and citizens told where they must live.
  • Debt forgiveness and different standards for third-world nations.
  • Adoption of gay rights and the right of children to all sexual materials and literature.
  • Elimination of any right to bear arms.
  • Environmental extremist positions, including global warming, bans on pesticides and genetically enhanced vegetables.  
  • Setting aside biosphere reserves where no human presence is allowed, which means the government may come in and take your land for its own higher purposes — something that is now being debated in a case before the U.S. Supreme Court.
The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution are fundamentally opposite from the U.N.’s UDHR. A few examples:
  • The right to bear arms — UDHR has no right to bear arms.
  • No double jeopardy — UDHR does not prohibit double jeopardy.
  • Church/state separation — UDHR promotes earth-worship spirituality.
  • Limited government — UDHR has no limits on government.
  • Reserved powers — UDHR has no reserved powers.
  • Recognition of natural law — UDHR does not recognize natural law.
  • Guarantee that property cannot be taken by government without just compensation — UDHR has no such guarantee.

I guess what I am trying to tell you is Dr. Reed and Mr. Fugate obviously are hoping they can convince you Ozark School is on the way to producing critical thinkers, all the while, they want to insult critical thinkers who see through this globalist, anti-American agenda with their smiles, a laugh, and a simple waving of the American flag. Don't take my word for it. Take The John Birch Society's word for it. They have been dedicated to restoring and preserving freedom under the United States Constitution since 1958.