Americans Must Be Tired of the Wars in the Middle East

When George W. Bush sold the American people on attacking Iraq, he had their support. Of course, 9/11 was fresh in everyone's mind. One has to wonder, considering the latest polling data and the Democrats who don't even try to hide it, if they are hoping for another terrorist attack to change poll numbers that show a large majority of Americans want the United States to stay out of the conflicts in the Middle East--all this while the Obama administration is talking about setting up no-fly zones in Libya while warships travel to the Libyan coast.

From Rasmussen:

Americans are wary of the current chaotic political situation in several Arab countries including Libya but strongly believe the United States should stay out of the picture.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 29% of American Adults think a change of government in any of these Arab countries will be good for the United States, while slightly more (33%) feel such a change will be bad for America. Twelve percent (12%) say it will have no impact, but one-in-four (26%) aren’t sure what to expect. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

However, as with the recent turmoil in Egypt, most Americans (67%) say the United States should leave the situation in the Arab countries alone. Just 17% say the United States should get more directly involved in the political situation there, but another 17% are not sure.