Breaking: Obama Resigns the Presidency
In his moral dilemma after launching an illegal war in Libya, Obama has decided he can no longer face his supporters who believed Hope and Change meant an end to all wars the United States are engaged in. Effective at noon today, Barack Obama will resign as President of the United States and go into hiding as a tarnished Nobel Peace Prize winner. Keep checking BBCW for more details as this story develops.
23 Members of Congress Receive Farm Subsidies: GOP Members take 10 Times More than Democrats
Here's an interesting fact. Most of us are familiar with how the federal government has taken control of the agriculture industry by creating farm subsidies. They pay farmers to grow crops. They pay farmers not to grow crops. It's a corrupt system that doesn't practice free market principles, since the government works to control prices and have to pay farmers to grow different crops that yield no profit to the farmer.
Did you know a few members of Congress take or have taken these government handouts? Believe it or not, a new report out shows more Republicans serving in Congress are taking farm subsidies than are Democrats. Oh, but they want to cut government spending, don't they? (I am not convinced since they couldn't even get the $100 billion done.)
That some members of Congress are farmers is hardly new. Many of the Founding Fathers worked the land. But as the industrial age transformed America’s agrarian society and technology made it possible for fewer farmers to grow more crops on more land, the number of lawmakers actively engaged in agriculture dropped sharply.
We don’t have a firm count of how many farmers are serving in the current Congress, but we do know, based on a recent analysis of the Environmental Working Group’s Farm Subsidy Database, that 23 of them, or their family members, signed up for taxpayer-funded farm subsidy payments between 1995 and 2009.
This would be a good place to point out that just five crops – corn, cotton, rice wheat and soybeans – account for 90 percent of all farm subsidies. Sixty-two percent of American farmers do not receive any direct payments from the federal farm subsidy system, and that group includes most livestock producers and fruit and vegetable growers.
Among the members of the 112th Congress who collect payments from USDA are six Democrats and 17 Republicans. The disparity between the parties is even greater in terms of dollar amounts: $489,856 went to Democrats, but more than 10 times as much, $5,334,565, to Republicans.
Like I said, Republicans are always interested in cutting spending until they are affected by the spending cuts directly or within their districts.
Did you know a few members of Congress take or have taken these government handouts? Believe it or not, a new report out shows more Republicans serving in Congress are taking farm subsidies than are Democrats. Oh, but they want to cut government spending, don't they? (I am not convinced since they couldn't even get the $100 billion done.)
That some members of Congress are farmers is hardly new. Many of the Founding Fathers worked the land. But as the industrial age transformed America’s agrarian society and technology made it possible for fewer farmers to grow more crops on more land, the number of lawmakers actively engaged in agriculture dropped sharply.
We don’t have a firm count of how many farmers are serving in the current Congress, but we do know, based on a recent analysis of the Environmental Working Group’s Farm Subsidy Database, that 23 of them, or their family members, signed up for taxpayer-funded farm subsidy payments between 1995 and 2009.
This would be a good place to point out that just five crops – corn, cotton, rice wheat and soybeans – account for 90 percent of all farm subsidies. Sixty-two percent of American farmers do not receive any direct payments from the federal farm subsidy system, and that group includes most livestock producers and fruit and vegetable growers.
Among the members of the 112th Congress who collect payments from USDA are six Democrats and 17 Republicans. The disparity between the parties is even greater in terms of dollar amounts: $489,856 went to Democrats, but more than 10 times as much, $5,334,565, to Republicans.
Like I said, Republicans are always interested in cutting spending until they are affected by the spending cuts directly or within their districts.
Clay Bowler: Fort Knox, KY Echo 2-4-6 January 1991-March 1991
I would have graduated from basic training about 20 years ago this date or so. I thought I would share some pictures of you as I was getting ready to leave Fort Knox, KY for my AIT.
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Drill Sgt. Danny Holman (we called him Homer) |
Clay Bowler is Awarded the Highest Honor in Scouting: Eagle Scout
Here's a picture from January 20, 1986, when I was awarded my Eagle Scout award. The Eagle Scout card has Ronald Reagan's signature on it, because he was honorary president of the Boy Scouts at the time. Just felt the need to share this as I was digging through pictures tonight since it's a great honor to earn the title of Eagle Scout.
I was a member of Troop 1 in Springfield, MO.
Does Obama Have a Social Security Number Problem to go Along with Birth Certificate Issue
A strange story is coming out of Colorado Springs. A retired Air Force Colonel may be in trouble for trying to dig up the dirt on Obama's citizenship. In doing so, he may have opened up a can of works about Obama's Social Security number.
From The Gazzette:
A Colorado Springs “birther,” retired Air Force Col. Gregory Hollister, has Internet blogs abuzz with what may be an illegal foray into an online Social Security data base and how he obtained a copy of President Barack Obama’s draft registration from 1980.
“Col. Greg Hollister, USAF (Ret.) contacted the Selective Service, falsely impersonated President Obama, improperly registered his own address as President Obama’s address, and by this false impersonation and identity theft he managed to obtain a duplicate registration acknowledgement card with President Obama’s Selective Service information on it,” a blogger posted on last week. “This may violate several federal criminal statutes, and apparently caused the federal record of President Obama’s address with the Selective Service to be altered to show that he lives in Colorado Springs, CO.”
Hollister said Tuesday a private investigator, Susan Daniels of Ohio, gave him what is purported to be the president’s Social Security number. He then accessed the Social Security Number Verification Service to find out to whom it was issued and to access Selective Service documents.
The site allows registered users to verify names and Social Security numbers for employment purposes and warns that using it under false pretenses is a violation of federal law.
“According to the Social Security Administration, that number was never issued,” said Hollister, who challenged whether the president is an American citizen in a lawsuit the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear Jan. 18 without requiring a response from the White House.
However, that’s the Social Security number that appears on the Selective Service documents Hollister obtained.
So did Obama use an illegal Social Security number when he registered for the draft?
From The Gazzette:
A Colorado Springs “birther,” retired Air Force Col. Gregory Hollister, has Internet blogs abuzz with what may be an illegal foray into an online Social Security data base and how he obtained a copy of President Barack Obama’s draft registration from 1980.
“Col. Greg Hollister, USAF (Ret.) contacted the Selective Service, falsely impersonated President Obama, improperly registered his own address as President Obama’s address, and by this false impersonation and identity theft he managed to obtain a duplicate registration acknowledgement card with President Obama’s Selective Service information on it,” a blogger posted on last week. “This may violate several federal criminal statutes, and apparently caused the federal record of President Obama’s address with the Selective Service to be altered to show that he lives in Colorado Springs, CO.”
Hollister said Tuesday a private investigator, Susan Daniels of Ohio, gave him what is purported to be the president’s Social Security number. He then accessed the Social Security Number Verification Service to find out to whom it was issued and to access Selective Service documents.
The site allows registered users to verify names and Social Security numbers for employment purposes and warns that using it under false pretenses is a violation of federal law.
“According to the Social Security Administration, that number was never issued,” said Hollister, who challenged whether the president is an American citizen in a lawsuit the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear Jan. 18 without requiring a response from the White House.
However, that’s the Social Security number that appears on the Selective Service documents Hollister obtained.
So did Obama use an illegal Social Security number when he registered for the draft?
Did Republican Senate Candidate Sarah Steelman Remove State Records From Her Office Upon Leaving Office?
Sarah Steelman tries to pass herself off as Tea Party. She's not. She's a political hack insider who has deceptiCON written all over her forehead. Now just a week or so after Democrat Claire Mama Caskill stepped in it, charging the federal government for flights on her private airplane that weren't taken for official government business, Sarah Steelman may have her own controversy brewing as Ed Martin cheers the both of them on. Little do they know, Todd Akin is preparing to announce.
So what did Steelman do this time to add to her long list of reasons not to vote for her. It appears she is being accused of removing state records from her office upon leaving office.
The DSCC is accusing McCaskill challenger Sarah Steelman of possibly breaking state law by taking state records with her when she stepped down as state treasurer. The party committee sent an open records request to the current state treasurer, and according to the archives, there are no records from Steelman’s four years in office.
No records after four years in office? I wonder what Steelman could be hiding.
So what did Steelman do this time to add to her long list of reasons not to vote for her. It appears she is being accused of removing state records from her office upon leaving office.
The DSCC is accusing McCaskill challenger Sarah Steelman of possibly breaking state law by taking state records with her when she stepped down as state treasurer. The party committee sent an open records request to the current state treasurer, and according to the archives, there are no records from Steelman’s four years in office.
No records after four years in office? I wonder what Steelman could be hiding.
Kit Bond Defends Claire Mama Caskill and the Use of Her Airplane
Missouri Republicans can't be happy with Kit Bond today, especially Sarah Steelman and Ed Martin. The former senior senator from Missouri stood up for the current senior senator of Missouri despite their party differences. He thanked Claire Mama Cakill for having a private plane that was available.
At least one Republican has kind words for Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) in the wake of her private plane scandal: retired Missouri senator Kit Bond. He said he’d flown on her plane himself. “There are some times … where that was the only way we could get back,” Bond told a local radio station. He jokingly compared her “airplane turbulence” to his own – Bond was on a plane last weekend that slid off the runway.
Someone please check Kit Bond out for head injuries after last week's plane wreck.
At least one Republican has kind words for Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) in the wake of her private plane scandal: retired Missouri senator Kit Bond. He said he’d flown on her plane himself. “There are some times … where that was the only way we could get back,” Bond told a local radio station. He jokingly compared her “airplane turbulence” to his own – Bond was on a plane last weekend that slid off the runway.
Someone please check Kit Bond out for head injuries after last week's plane wreck.
Ozark High School Brings in More IB Cheerleaders to School Board Meetings
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Dr. Hoeman |
The latest IB cheerleader is Dr. Michael Hoeman, a school board member in the Springfield Public School System, where only one school has the IB.
With the controversial International Baccalaureate program once again topping the Ozark School Board agenda March 24, board members heard views from Dr. Michael Hoeman, a current Springfield Public School Board member and father of three IB graduates—and one of those graduates.
“IB has helped equip my kids with the skills they need to succeed in higher education,” he said. “IB provided a solid foundation for their future.”
And Hoeman didn’t mince words when attacking IB critics—none of whom attended the meeting.
“I’ve read all about the indoctrination of IB students and I don’t know where it comes from,” Hoeman said. “These claims are made by a person who has never set foot in an IB school or classroom; and, for lack of a better word, is just nuts.”
I thought, in order to have a Dr. in front of your name, you had to be able to do some research and have a good understanding of basic vocabulary. Apparently, that wasn't a requirement to whoever handed out the title to Dr. Hoeman, Springfield school board member.
Indoctrination is as simple as providing a bias in education. It really isn't too hard to accomplish, especially when you look at how schools across the country have been hijacked by teacher unions like the NEA. We have had a month of examining the Wisconsin Schools, and I would be worried about sending my kids to school there. Apparently Dr. Hoeman doesn't understand the concept of indoctrination or he simply chooses to pass it off as, what did this guy call our claim? Nuts?
Which brings us to my next point. If the IB is as innocent as Dr. Hoeman says they are, then why does the IB feel the need to endorse radical left-wing Marxist ideas? I am not sure if Dr. Hoeman studied history or not, but haven taken a political science class on Marxism, Karl Marx believed the key to revolutionary change is through the educational system. This means the schools are a great target for a program like the IB, who endorses these radical left-wing Marxist, anti-American ideas. Don't believe me? Indoctrination is a key part of the Communist Manifesto, and John Holdren, who is Obama's chief science advisor, recently stated that education is the key to getting the country to accept global warming. Did I mention, it was Obama who pushed for the IB with William Ayers in the Chicago school systems, and the IB places a strong emphasis on concepts like global warming. Start putting all this together, and you can clearly see the IB could easily be a tool for indoctrination as could any educational vehicle. The very idea this educated man who represents the public school system discounted indoctrination concerns me.
So let's look at the endorsements the IB has made, which shows a bias that could lead to indoctrination.
They support both the United Nations Human Rights Doctrine, the controversial anti-American and anti-capitalist Kyoto Accord, and once endorsed the George Soros funded earth charter. That's three very influential anti-American agendas.
The ideologies of these three agendas include:
Earth worship (pantheism).
Socialized medicine.
World federalism.
Income redistribution among nations and within nations.
Contraception and “reproductive health” rights (inc., legal abortion).
World-wide “education for sustainability” which means planned communities and citizens told where they must live.
Debt forgiveness and different standards for third-world nations.
Adoption of gay rights and the right of children to all sexual materials and literature.
Elimination of any right to bear arms.
Environmental extremist positions, including global warming, bans on pesticides and genetically enhanced vegetables.
Setting aside biosphere reserves where no human presence is allowed, which means the government may come in and take your land for its own higher purposes — something that is now being debated in a case before the U.S. Supreme Court.
The idea Dr. Hoeman and many others on the Ozark school board are ignoring the IB's associations and passing their opposition who have discovered these connections as "nuts" concerns me. These people obvious don't have the best interests of the children in their communities in mind if they aren't willing to examine the entire IB spectrum.
Claire McCaskill Has the Nerve Enough to Bring Up Values in Her Latest Fundraiser E-mail
Need a good laugh? Claire McCaskill is touting her strong values in her latest e-mail to donors. Now remember, Claire Mama Caskill was caught just a couple weeks ago trying to rip off the government as she flew in a private airplane to non-government functions. I guess these are the types of values Claire McCaskill is about.
From her e-mail:
For a lot of people in politics, “guided by my values” is lip service.
Not Claire. She never takes the easy way out when something she believes in is on the line. And as her mother, I couldn’t be prouder.
Yes, Claire Mama Caskill has had her Mama write her supporters telling them Claire has good values even after attempting to rip off tax payers. I guess in Claire's house, when she was a little girl, mama didn't teach that lying was wrong.
From her e-mail:
For a lot of people in politics, “guided by my values” is lip service.
Not Claire. She never takes the easy way out when something she believes in is on the line. And as her mother, I couldn’t be prouder.
Yes, Claire Mama Caskill has had her Mama write her supporters telling them Claire has good values even after attempting to rip off tax payers. I guess in Claire's house, when she was a little girl, mama didn't teach that lying was wrong.
New Van Halen with David Lee Roth Music Update: Fall 2011 Release
Just got word that Eddie Van Halen and David Lee Roth have appear to be near completing the once-thought impossible--a complete CD of new Van Halen tunes. The last time they were in the studio together to record a complete album was in 1983 for the smash 1984.
Apparently, the new music will be released in the fall, so we still have at least a six-month wait. However, most Van Halen fans never thought they would see the day, especially after they teased us with Me Wise Magic on the Greatest Hits compilation and went their own ways citing the same ol' crap fans had come well known with.
The only down side is the true Van Halen sound won't be heard since Michael Anthony won't be providing his backing vocals. He is recording with Chickenfoot for their second album.
Here's one of my favorites from David Lee Roth singing lead for Van Halen: Unchained.
Apparently, the new music will be released in the fall, so we still have at least a six-month wait. However, most Van Halen fans never thought they would see the day, especially after they teased us with Me Wise Magic on the Greatest Hits compilation and went their own ways citing the same ol' crap fans had come well known with.
The only down side is the true Van Halen sound won't be heard since Michael Anthony won't be providing his backing vocals. He is recording with Chickenfoot for their second album.
Here's one of my favorites from David Lee Roth singing lead for Van Halen: Unchained.
Billy Long Not Be Fighting for HAM Radio Operators After All: HR 607 Hearings Begin
On Billy Long's break from his tough schedule in Congress, he sat down with HAM radio operators who were upset with him over HR607. The bill takes HAM radio frequencies from the operators and puts them in control of the federal government to create (bigger government) an emergency broadband frequency that appears tied to the Internet kill switch.
After the meeting was over, the News-Leader reported the HAM radio operators were confident Billy Long would do the right thing and fight to ensure their frequencies were safe from the hands of "Right now, the bill is in its initial stages and this is one of many ways to address any concerns," the Springfield Republican said in a statement issued shortly after he met with operators Tuesday.
Long is a co-sponsor of H.R. 607, a bill introduced by U.S. Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security.
The bill is intended to strengthen the communications capabilities of first responders by reallocating certain frequencies.
"I will continue to listen to ensure that we are not cutting any vital emergency services and not adversely affecting ham radio operators," Long said in the statement.
Rod Kittleman, a spokesman for Southwest Missouri Amateur Radio, was present at the meeting.
"Everyone felt good after they left the meeting," Kittleman said. "Billy is trying to do the right thing."
The News-Leader reports today the HAM radio operators Long met with were soon forgotten about once he returned to Washington.
Public safety officials urged lawmakers Wednesday to pass a bill that would allocate certain radio frequencies exclusively to public safety -- legislation that ham radio enthusiasts say would limit their ability to broadcast during severe weather and other emergencies.
To offset the cost of this change, the bill would sell for commercial use the 420-440 MHz frequencies that amateur radio operators currently use for free.
But little mention of ham radio enthusiasts surfaced at the hearing. Witnesses and lawmakers focused on the bill's importance to first responders, who could use the so-called "D block" spectrum to develop a national wireless broadband network. This is the only recommendation of the 9/11 Commission that has not yet been implemented, witnesses said.
So what's new? Billy Long forgets about the people of Southwest Missouri yet again as soon as he touches down on the rotten Potomac soil.
After the meeting was over, the News-Leader reported the HAM radio operators were confident Billy Long would do the right thing and fight to ensure their frequencies were safe from the hands of "Right now, the bill is in its initial stages and this is one of many ways to address any concerns," the Springfield Republican said in a statement issued shortly after he met with operators Tuesday.
Long is a co-sponsor of H.R. 607, a bill introduced by U.S. Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security.
The bill is intended to strengthen the communications capabilities of first responders by reallocating certain frequencies.
"I will continue to listen to ensure that we are not cutting any vital emergency services and not adversely affecting ham radio operators," Long said in the statement.
Rod Kittleman, a spokesman for Southwest Missouri Amateur Radio, was present at the meeting.
"Everyone felt good after they left the meeting," Kittleman said. "Billy is trying to do the right thing."
The News-Leader reports today the HAM radio operators Long met with were soon forgotten about once he returned to Washington.
Public safety officials urged lawmakers Wednesday to pass a bill that would allocate certain radio frequencies exclusively to public safety -- legislation that ham radio enthusiasts say would limit their ability to broadcast during severe weather and other emergencies.
To offset the cost of this change, the bill would sell for commercial use the 420-440 MHz frequencies that amateur radio operators currently use for free.
But little mention of ham radio enthusiasts surfaced at the hearing. Witnesses and lawmakers focused on the bill's importance to first responders, who could use the so-called "D block" spectrum to develop a national wireless broadband network. This is the only recommendation of the 9/11 Commission that has not yet been implemented, witnesses said.
So what's new? Billy Long forgets about the people of Southwest Missouri yet again as soon as he touches down on the rotten Potomac soil.
When Is Billy Long Going to Show Us He is Fed Up with the GOP Establishment?
The GOP establishment has proven one thing when it comes to Congressman Billy Long. He ain't that "fed up" with how things are done in Washington.
Day after day on Twitter, Congressman Long praises any number of GOP establishment leaders, including John Boehner, who has shown little leadership when it comes to producing real budget cuts that will start reversing the federal debt and getting the United States back on track to anything that even closely resembles fiscal responsibility. Boehner continues to compromise with Democrats ignoring his Tea Party mandate, and Long doesn't challenge any of this with his fed up rhetoric that promised Southwest Missourians Billy Long was going to Washington to lead with his "small business" common sense.
Oh the fool the Republicans are making Long look like. Take for instance the promised $100 billion in spending cuts Boehner's Pledge to America promised. Long came home to the district at a Lincoln Day event telling his constituents "we got 'er done." The truth is, Republicans got nowhere near the $100 billion in spending cuts, and either Billy Long intentionally lied or is too stupid to realize $61 billion doesn't equal $100 billion. Oh but it gets worse.
Today, we are learning nearly half of those $61 billion in cuts are being eliminated as Boehner compromises with Democrats to avoid a government shut down. Where is fed up Billy? He isn't speaking up against the Republican establishment who has failed to "get 'er done." Rather, on Twitter over the past 24 hours, its praise after praise for Republican after Republican who talk the talk but don't walk the walk.
I thought you were fed up Billy? I wonder how Billy will like life in the minority, which will soon be the reality if someone is Washington doesn't start holding Boehner and the Republicans' feet to the fire. I am not impressed with the lack of budget cuts and the compromising with Democrats. It appears it really doesn't bother Long that much. He seems happy knowing a lobbyist is around the corner ready to buy him his next meal.
Day after day on Twitter, Congressman Long praises any number of GOP establishment leaders, including John Boehner, who has shown little leadership when it comes to producing real budget cuts that will start reversing the federal debt and getting the United States back on track to anything that even closely resembles fiscal responsibility. Boehner continues to compromise with Democrats ignoring his Tea Party mandate, and Long doesn't challenge any of this with his fed up rhetoric that promised Southwest Missourians Billy Long was going to Washington to lead with his "small business" common sense.
Oh the fool the Republicans are making Long look like. Take for instance the promised $100 billion in spending cuts Boehner's Pledge to America promised. Long came home to the district at a Lincoln Day event telling his constituents "we got 'er done." The truth is, Republicans got nowhere near the $100 billion in spending cuts, and either Billy Long intentionally lied or is too stupid to realize $61 billion doesn't equal $100 billion. Oh but it gets worse.
Today, we are learning nearly half of those $61 billion in cuts are being eliminated as Boehner compromises with Democrats to avoid a government shut down. Where is fed up Billy? He isn't speaking up against the Republican establishment who has failed to "get 'er done." Rather, on Twitter over the past 24 hours, its praise after praise for Republican after Republican who talk the talk but don't walk the walk.
I thought you were fed up Billy? I wonder how Billy will like life in the minority, which will soon be the reality if someone is Washington doesn't start holding Boehner and the Republicans' feet to the fire. I am not impressed with the lack of budget cuts and the compromising with Democrats. It appears it really doesn't bother Long that much. He seems happy knowing a lobbyist is around the corner ready to buy him his next meal.
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Billy Kristol Continues to Praise Obama for His Illegal War: "Born Again Neocon"
Bill Kristol isn't hiding the fact he is a neocon. He seems quite happy that Obama consulted with him about his feelings on Libya as well. In his latest opinion piece, Kristol shares his second Obamagasm in less than a week as he exposes himself as a true deceptiCON, ignoring the Constitution to prop up Obama as a neocon war maker.
“He didn’t come to me for help, of course,” Kristol said. “I’m not going to acknowledge that. He came to me to make sure I was supporting his sound policies. Of course, since his sound policies are more like the policies people like me have been advocating for quite a while, I’m happy to support them. He’s a born-again neo-con.”
Don't kid yourself Bill. Obama is a product of the industrial military complex, oil, and the need for reelection as we face $4 a gallon at the pumps. He may be acting like a neo-con but he is still a radical leftist. Enjoy your Obamagasm you fool.
Kristol did joke. “What’s the joke – they told me if I voted for McCain, we’d be going to war in a third Muslim country?” Kristol said. “I voted for McCain and we’re doing it.”
Mr. Kristol, had McCain been president, he would have launched the war sooner. Did you miss his saber rattling?
So glad you can joke as more Americans put their lives on the line in this unjust war.
“He didn’t come to me for help, of course,” Kristol said. “I’m not going to acknowledge that. He came to me to make sure I was supporting his sound policies. Of course, since his sound policies are more like the policies people like me have been advocating for quite a while, I’m happy to support them. He’s a born-again neo-con.”
Don't kid yourself Bill. Obama is a product of the industrial military complex, oil, and the need for reelection as we face $4 a gallon at the pumps. He may be acting like a neo-con but he is still a radical leftist. Enjoy your Obamagasm you fool.
Kristol did joke. “What’s the joke – they told me if I voted for McCain, we’d be going to war in a third Muslim country?” Kristol said. “I voted for McCain and we’re doing it.”
Mr. Kristol, had McCain been president, he would have launched the war sooner. Did you miss his saber rattling?
So glad you can joke as more Americans put their lives on the line in this unjust war.
Ozark Schools Need the The Dreyfuss Initiative Not the International Baccaulaureate
Of all the educational curriculum the administrators and school board members could choose to improve the quality of education at Ozark High School in Missouri, they chose the most unAmerican educational curriculum they could find--the International Baccalaureate. The International Baccalaureate endorsed by the United Nations, supports anti-American agendas like the UN's doctrine on human rights, which supports the redistribution of wealth, devalues Christianity, and calls for GUN CONTROL. Do you hear that hunters in Ozark, Missouri? Out of all the educational opportunities to improve education, why did Ozark choose the most unAmerican of programs?
The goal of the IB is to produce good globalist citizens--citizens who subscribe to the values of the IB, an international organization that doesn't embrace the freedoms and liberties of the US Constitution. In fact, let's list some of the values of the IB program, which the John Birch Society, a Constitutional conservative think tank used to warn parents about the IB.
Earth worship (pantheism).
Socialized medicine.
World federalism.
Income redistribution among nations and within nations.
Contraception and “reproductive health” rights (inc., legal abortion).
World-wide “education for sustainability” which means planned communities and citizens told where they must live.
Debt forgiveness and different standards for third-world nations.
Adoption of gay rights and the right of children to all sexual materials and literature.
Elimination of any right to bear arms.
Environmental extremist positions, including global warming, bans on pesticides and genetically enhanced vegetables.
Setting aside biosphere reserves where no human presence is allowed, which means the government may come in and take your land for its own higher purposes — something that is now being debated in a case before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Are these ideas you want your kids learning at Ozark High School?
As Chuck Fugate waves American flags when he promotes the IB as better education, why hasn't the Ozark School Board looked at true educational programs that represent the value of Ozark residents and our Republic? For instance, The Dreyfuss Initiative is an educational program that prepares children to become leaders (or maybe that's the problem, where as the IB prepares children to become followers through indoctrination of radical ideas) for our future.
Consider what I just told you about the IB, exposed by the John Birch Society, and then consider what The Dryefuss Initiative teaches children with their goal of producing better leaders:
The Dreyfuss Initiative’s Civics Curriculum focuses on preparing our nation’s next generation to be effective and engaged citizens. Our curriculum and its learning modules, are multi-dimensional, and can be incorporated into teaching a wide range of subjects, not just civics. We will provide “classroom ready” materials for parents, teachers, and students. Our curriculum provides interactive learning in the following areas:
* Reason
* Logic
* Clarity of thought
* Clarity of expression
* Critical analysis
* Values of debate, dissent and civility
* Historical Context [roots of American Exceptionalism]
* Rumination & contemplation
* Agility of mind
* Ethics
Special seminars and conferences will “teach the teacher” – education for teachers, principals and education executives on civics, and the teaching of civics and power.
To create and implement unique teaching and presentation opportunities, taking advantage of geography, historical significance and impact, personalities and partners.
Our curriculum will start with the telling of glory tales and myths to the very young. …and as their brain develops we will include: Reason, logic, clarity of thought, critical analysis. These are the same things that were taught 3500 hundred years ago.
Develop Pre-Partisan tools of civic expertise for all: reason, logic, critical analysis, clarity of thought, and the narrative tale of achieving the path to enlightenment, which is a story of blood and darkness and a rare victory of light, and that our Constitution and Declaration of Independence is the first actualization of that victory.
We will teach The Narrative Tale of the attainment of The Enlightenment, that moment when Reason triumphed over Faith, and Science over Hope and Fear. Know that the darkness never dies, it just waits.
We will teach the raising up the values of debate dissent and civility and in the last two years of high school the specific studying the Constitution of the United States, dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s, teaching the who’s, why’s and wherefores of the Imperfect miracle of 1787, and the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. With the goal of graduating from high school knowing not only that you own this country but that The United States is the best answer to a question asked for 13,000 years, How can Man live together in freedom and decency, with opportunity, and achieve the goal well rounded mind?
Granted, The Drefuss Institute was found by a liberal actor, Richard Dreyfuss. Looking at the board of directors, there appears to be a balance that even includes Frank Luntz. I would much rather the education curriculum at Ozark High School to sound more like The Dreyfuss Initiative over the more radical globalist International Baccalaureate. Where as Dreyfuss teaches the United States is the best answer to the question asked for 13,000 years, the IB teachers the United Nations is the best answer to the question.
Ozarks Schools need the Dreyfuss Initiative (or something similar) over the radical agenda of the International Baccalaureate. While I am not a big fan of Richard Dreyfuss, I applaud his efforts to reintroducing the founding fathers into education.
The goal of the IB is to produce good globalist citizens--citizens who subscribe to the values of the IB, an international organization that doesn't embrace the freedoms and liberties of the US Constitution. In fact, let's list some of the values of the IB program, which the John Birch Society, a Constitutional conservative think tank used to warn parents about the IB.
Earth worship (pantheism).
Socialized medicine.
World federalism.
Income redistribution among nations and within nations.
Contraception and “reproductive health” rights (inc., legal abortion).
World-wide “education for sustainability” which means planned communities and citizens told where they must live.
Debt forgiveness and different standards for third-world nations.
Adoption of gay rights and the right of children to all sexual materials and literature.
Elimination of any right to bear arms.
Environmental extremist positions, including global warming, bans on pesticides and genetically enhanced vegetables.
Setting aside biosphere reserves where no human presence is allowed, which means the government may come in and take your land for its own higher purposes — something that is now being debated in a case before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Are these ideas you want your kids learning at Ozark High School?
As Chuck Fugate waves American flags when he promotes the IB as better education, why hasn't the Ozark School Board looked at true educational programs that represent the value of Ozark residents and our Republic? For instance, The Dreyfuss Initiative is an educational program that prepares children to become leaders (or maybe that's the problem, where as the IB prepares children to become followers through indoctrination of radical ideas) for our future.
Consider what I just told you about the IB, exposed by the John Birch Society, and then consider what The Dryefuss Initiative teaches children with their goal of producing better leaders:
The Dreyfuss Initiative’s Civics Curriculum focuses on preparing our nation’s next generation to be effective and engaged citizens. Our curriculum and its learning modules, are multi-dimensional, and can be incorporated into teaching a wide range of subjects, not just civics. We will provide “classroom ready” materials for parents, teachers, and students. Our curriculum provides interactive learning in the following areas:
* Reason
* Logic
* Clarity of thought
* Clarity of expression
* Critical analysis
* Values of debate, dissent and civility
* Historical Context [roots of American Exceptionalism]
* Rumination & contemplation
* Agility of mind
* Ethics
Special seminars and conferences will “teach the teacher” – education for teachers, principals and education executives on civics, and the teaching of civics and power.
To create and implement unique teaching and presentation opportunities, taking advantage of geography, historical significance and impact, personalities and partners.
Our curriculum will start with the telling of glory tales and myths to the very young. …and as their brain develops we will include: Reason, logic, clarity of thought, critical analysis. These are the same things that were taught 3500 hundred years ago.
Develop Pre-Partisan tools of civic expertise for all: reason, logic, critical analysis, clarity of thought, and the narrative tale of achieving the path to enlightenment, which is a story of blood and darkness and a rare victory of light, and that our Constitution and Declaration of Independence is the first actualization of that victory.
We will teach The Narrative Tale of the attainment of The Enlightenment, that moment when Reason triumphed over Faith, and Science over Hope and Fear. Know that the darkness never dies, it just waits.
We will teach the raising up the values of debate dissent and civility and in the last two years of high school the specific studying the Constitution of the United States, dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s, teaching the who’s, why’s and wherefores of the Imperfect miracle of 1787, and the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. With the goal of graduating from high school knowing not only that you own this country but that The United States is the best answer to a question asked for 13,000 years, How can Man live together in freedom and decency, with opportunity, and achieve the goal well rounded mind?
Granted, The Drefuss Institute was found by a liberal actor, Richard Dreyfuss. Looking at the board of directors, there appears to be a balance that even includes Frank Luntz. I would much rather the education curriculum at Ozark High School to sound more like The Dreyfuss Initiative over the more radical globalist International Baccalaureate. Where as Dreyfuss teaches the United States is the best answer to the question asked for 13,000 years, the IB teachers the United Nations is the best answer to the question.
Ozarks Schools need the Dreyfuss Initiative (or something similar) over the radical agenda of the International Baccalaureate. While I am not a big fan of Richard Dreyfuss, I applaud his efforts to reintroducing the founding fathers into education.
Did Obama Launch War in Libya to Help Poll Numbers?
There are two sides of Obama. There is the side that appears to hate war, promising to end war, while insulting George W. Bush as a war monger.
Then there is the Obama who launched a war against Libya without much justification other than it was humanitarian to launch the war. Without any Constitutional authority, considering our military is to be used to "provide a common defense," Obama has once again shown there is a side based on the hope and change rhetoric, and there is another side influenced by the inside forces of American politics, whether that be the industrial military complex, oil, or whatever.
Obama's poll numbers have been weak for most of his presidency. Last I looked, they were about 41% approval, although I had heard they were rising somewhat. With the 2012 election coming upon us quickly, I wonder if war was a way to jump start Obama's polling numbers.
In the last twenty years, since Desert Storm, the initial stages of war have proved popular with the American people and have boosted presidential approval numbers. George H.W. Bush had nearly a 90% approval rating during Desert Storm, of course that died quickly. It does go to show we support our president in times of war.
So could it be Obama launched this war to help his dismal polling numbers? If he did, it didn't work. Less than 50 percent of Americans support his attack on Libya. From the Politico:
President Barack Obama’s approval rating and prospects for reelection have plunged to all-time lows in a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday.
Half of the registered voters surveyed for the poll think that the president does not deserve a second term in office, while 41 percent say he does. In another Quinnipiac poll released just four weeks ago, 45 percent said the president did not deserve reelection, while 47 percent said he did.
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No 'cookie-cutter' doctrine
VIDEO: 2012ers roast Obama
The decline in support for a second Obama term comes as his approval rating has dropped 4 percentage points since early March, landing at 42 percent – a record low – in the poll released Wednesday. His disapproval rating has risen from 46 percent to 48 percent.
The downward shift may in part be the result of dissatisfaction over U.S involvement in Libya, with 47 percent of those surveyed saying they oppose it. By a margin of 58 percent to 29 percent, registered voters said that Obama has not clearly stated U.S. goals for the mission.
The poll as conducted March 22-28 and surveyed 2,069 registered voters. The error margin is plus or minus 2.2 percentage points.
Then there is the Obama who launched a war against Libya without much justification other than it was humanitarian to launch the war. Without any Constitutional authority, considering our military is to be used to "provide a common defense," Obama has once again shown there is a side based on the hope and change rhetoric, and there is another side influenced by the inside forces of American politics, whether that be the industrial military complex, oil, or whatever.
Obama's poll numbers have been weak for most of his presidency. Last I looked, they were about 41% approval, although I had heard they were rising somewhat. With the 2012 election coming upon us quickly, I wonder if war was a way to jump start Obama's polling numbers.
In the last twenty years, since Desert Storm, the initial stages of war have proved popular with the American people and have boosted presidential approval numbers. George H.W. Bush had nearly a 90% approval rating during Desert Storm, of course that died quickly. It does go to show we support our president in times of war.
So could it be Obama launched this war to help his dismal polling numbers? If he did, it didn't work. Less than 50 percent of Americans support his attack on Libya. From the Politico:
President Barack Obama’s approval rating and prospects for reelection have plunged to all-time lows in a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday.
Half of the registered voters surveyed for the poll think that the president does not deserve a second term in office, while 41 percent say he does. In another Quinnipiac poll released just four weeks ago, 45 percent said the president did not deserve reelection, while 47 percent said he did.
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No 'cookie-cutter' doctrine
VIDEO: 2012ers roast Obama
The decline in support for a second Obama term comes as his approval rating has dropped 4 percentage points since early March, landing at 42 percent – a record low – in the poll released Wednesday. His disapproval rating has risen from 46 percent to 48 percent.
The downward shift may in part be the result of dissatisfaction over U.S involvement in Libya, with 47 percent of those surveyed saying they oppose it. By a margin of 58 percent to 29 percent, registered voters said that Obama has not clearly stated U.S. goals for the mission.
The poll as conducted March 22-28 and surveyed 2,069 registered voters. The error margin is plus or minus 2.2 percentage points.
Big Whoop! Boehner's Lack of Leadership Gets Us $33 Billion in Spending Cuts
John Boehner and his new Republican majority continue to disappoint. They passed the Fourth Amendment killing Patriot Act extensions. They fell way short of coming up with $100 billion in spending cuts. Now they have compromised with the Democrats, giving up most of their new influence, to keep the federal government running while getting a meager amount of government spending cuts as a compromise. Boehner continues to be a joke of a speaker, especially when you consider the mood of the country that pushed to make huge cuts in government spending.
Sources tell me that budget negotiators on Capitol Hill have tentatively agreed on a deal that would involve at least $33 billion in spending cuts from this year’s budget. That’s $23 billion dollars more than Democrats have previously agreed to in short-term continuing resolutions, and $28 billion less than Republicans previously passed in the House.
So, the $100 billion in spending cuts that Congressman Billy Long bragged in a Larry the Cable Guy voice "we got 'er done" was actually only $61 billion in cuts, and thanks to this Republican compromise to keep the government open, these meager $61 billion in cuts have now become $33 billion in spending cuts. How pathetic Mr. Boehner! How pathetic!
Sources tell me that budget negotiators on Capitol Hill have tentatively agreed on a deal that would involve at least $33 billion in spending cuts from this year’s budget. That’s $23 billion dollars more than Democrats have previously agreed to in short-term continuing resolutions, and $28 billion less than Republicans previously passed in the House.
So, the $100 billion in spending cuts that Congressman Billy Long bragged in a Larry the Cable Guy voice "we got 'er done" was actually only $61 billion in cuts, and thanks to this Republican compromise to keep the government open, these meager $61 billion in cuts have now become $33 billion in spending cuts. How pathetic Mr. Boehner! How pathetic!
Alan West Tells Chuck Schumer to Pack His Bags and Head Back to New York
Alan West has committed one crime in Washington. He voted to extend the Patriot Act. I am still saddened by this as a Tea Party member. None-the-less, he has been on the right side of the argument since getting to Washington. Now he is standing up to one of the most worthless politicians in Washington, Chuch Schumer.
Schumer got mouthy about the Tea Party yesterday and fiscal responsibility. West replied telling Schumer he needs to pack up, go home, and get a new job.
“Charles Schumer’s faux pas yesterday just shows how mindless and out of touch these guys are,” West says. “The Tea Party wants fiscal responsibility. If he thinks that is a bad thing, if he thinks that is a radical thing, he should go back to New York and seek a new line of employment. If he wants to come and talk about fiscal responsibility, I’m in 1708 Longworth.”
West has had enough of Schumer calling conservatives “extreme” for wanting to slash the federal budget and reduce the debt. “No more of this back-and-forth stuff,” he says. “Their name-calling is childish. We are standing on principle, trying to find solutions.”
So, if anyone wants to donate, I am going to begin collecting funds to pay for Schumer's moving trucks. After all, Schumer has only been motivated in Washington if there is something in it for him.
Schumer got mouthy about the Tea Party yesterday and fiscal responsibility. West replied telling Schumer he needs to pack up, go home, and get a new job.
“Charles Schumer’s faux pas yesterday just shows how mindless and out of touch these guys are,” West says. “The Tea Party wants fiscal responsibility. If he thinks that is a bad thing, if he thinks that is a radical thing, he should go back to New York and seek a new line of employment. If he wants to come and talk about fiscal responsibility, I’m in 1708 Longworth.”
West has had enough of Schumer calling conservatives “extreme” for wanting to slash the federal budget and reduce the debt. “No more of this back-and-forth stuff,” he says. “Their name-calling is childish. We are standing on principle, trying to find solutions.”
So, if anyone wants to donate, I am going to begin collecting funds to pay for Schumer's moving trucks. After all, Schumer has only been motivated in Washington if there is something in it for him.
The Ducth Are Violating Human Rights: Obama Should Launch the B2 Bombers in the Name of Humanitarianism
The evil Dutch regime must be stopped. Human rights are being violated, and American aggression must be used like we are in Libya to stand up to the evil Dutch dictators who have charged Geert Wilders with crimes because he has spoken up against Muslims. America can't have evil dictators around the world like Qaddafi and Mark Rutte. Send the attack planes to correct Rutte's crimes against humanity and send them now. This will be a humanitarian act, and who cares about the Constitution anyway.
Mr Wilders was charged with insulting Muslims by comparing Islam to Nazism. The case has attracted considerable attention, not just because of Mr Wilders' controversial comments, but also because of the increasing influence of his Freedom Party, which provides support for the Dutch minority government on key issues.
Mr Wilders has argued that he is exercising his freedom of speech when he criticises Islam and had won the right last month to seek a dismissal of the case.
But reading out the ruling on Wednesday, presiding judge Marcel van Oosten said the case would go ahead. He rejected most of the defence's objections such as its questioning of the court's authority to hear the case in the first place and of the way that the prosecutors had pursued the trial.
However, judges did agree with the defence that part of the indictment against Mr Wilders should be dropped. In it he allegedly refers to the Koran as "fascist" and said it should be banned.
The judges said that in including the quotes in the indictment prosecutors were going beyond the brief set out by the Amsterdam appeals court.
Mr Wilders was charged with insulting Muslims by comparing Islam to Nazism. The case has attracted considerable attention, not just because of Mr Wilders' controversial comments, but also because of the increasing influence of his Freedom Party, which provides support for the Dutch minority government on key issues.
Mr Wilders has argued that he is exercising his freedom of speech when he criticises Islam and had won the right last month to seek a dismissal of the case.
But reading out the ruling on Wednesday, presiding judge Marcel van Oosten said the case would go ahead. He rejected most of the defence's objections such as its questioning of the court's authority to hear the case in the first place and of the way that the prosecutors had pursued the trial.
However, judges did agree with the defence that part of the indictment against Mr Wilders should be dropped. In it he allegedly refers to the Koran as "fascist" and said it should be banned.
The judges said that in including the quotes in the indictment prosecutors were going beyond the brief set out by the Amsterdam appeals court.
Hey Billy Long, Where is Your $100 Billion, I Mean $61 Billion in "We Got 'er Done" Budget Cuts
Billy Long came home to the district telling his constituents "we got 'er done." He was referring to the meager $100 billion in spending cuts promised by the Republicans worst possible choice for Speaker, John Boehner. Even with the number not even close to the $100 billion promised, Long had no problem lying to constituents despite failing to come up with $39 billion in cuts to make the $100 billion goal.
Is it any wonder why, when Billy "I'm fed up with wasteful federal spending" Long voted against cutting nearly $30 million a year in federal NASCAR sponsorships, an appropriation that has cost Americans over $100 million in the last ten years.
So what is the status of the "we got 'er done" spending cuts Billy Long bragged about. Well, they aren't even close to being done. They hit a brick wall in the Senate, which means the $61 billion Long bragged about probably isn't going to get cut.
Now this is a lesson on courage, or lack of, by Billy Long and his Republican deceptiCON cronies. Knowing the Senate wasn't going to pass their budget cuts, why didn't they go crazy and cut up to a trillion in federal spending in order to make a statement to the American people and put pressure on the Senate? Could it be the Republicans were never serious about these spending cuts in the first place, which is why they couldn't even come up with a $100 billion in spending cuts? The Republicans in the House missed an opportunity, and looking back they look quite silly today considering how little they have accomplished as big mouths like Billy Long brought more light to just how much Washington is willing to lie to us.
Is it any wonder why, when Billy "I'm fed up with wasteful federal spending" Long voted against cutting nearly $30 million a year in federal NASCAR sponsorships, an appropriation that has cost Americans over $100 million in the last ten years.
So what is the status of the "we got 'er done" spending cuts Billy Long bragged about. Well, they aren't even close to being done. They hit a brick wall in the Senate, which means the $61 billion Long bragged about probably isn't going to get cut.
Now this is a lesson on courage, or lack of, by Billy Long and his Republican deceptiCON cronies. Knowing the Senate wasn't going to pass their budget cuts, why didn't they go crazy and cut up to a trillion in federal spending in order to make a statement to the American people and put pressure on the Senate? Could it be the Republicans were never serious about these spending cuts in the first place, which is why they couldn't even come up with a $100 billion in spending cuts? The Republicans in the House missed an opportunity, and looking back they look quite silly today considering how little they have accomplished as big mouths like Billy Long brought more light to just how much Washington is willing to lie to us.
Obama's Housing Bubble Coming? Obama Wants to Expand Community Reinvestment Act
Bill Clinton's Community Reinvestment Act encouraged banks to lend to people who couldn't afford a mortgage. Most of them barely got by and then energy prices started going up, and a large percentage of Americans soon stopped paying their mortgages. I don't need to tell you what happened next, but I will give you a hint. Does the words foreclosures and bank bailouts come to mind?
Well, Obama didn't learn from Clinton's mistake. Obama wants to expand the Community Reinvestment Act. Luckily for us, Investors Business Daily is exposing this and separating the fact from fiction in hopes of avoiding another disaster. Unfortunately for us, most who serve in Washington are complete idiots and will probably allow this to happen.
In light of the Obama administration's stated goal of expanding the CRA, separating fact from fiction regarding this issue is of towering importance — to set the historic record straight and to prevent another financial calamity.
FICTION: Because the CRA was passed in 1977, long before the subprime crisis, it couldn't have caused the recent explosion in bad loans.
FACT: The toothless 1977 regulations fully expired in July 1997, when President Clinton rewrote them to toughen CRA enforcement as part of a crusade to close the "mortgage gap" between blacks and whites.
For the first time, banks were required to show results. One of the five performance criteria in the "lending test" — the most heavily weighted component of the CRA exam — was adopting "flexible lending practices" to address the credit needs of poor borrowers in "predominantly minority neighborhoods." Banks that didn't bend their underwriting rules risked flunking the exam.
Ex-Federal Reserve Board Gov. Lawrence Lindsey, a staunch CRA defender, acknowledges that the changes "did contribute to a downgrading of credit standards."
FICTION: "Many of these (CRA) loans were not very risky," the FCIC report claims.
FACT: Studies show that CRA loans have higher delinquencies and defaults and act as a major drag on bank earnings. In 2008, CRA loans accounted for just 7% of Bank of America's total mortgage lending, but 29% of its losses on home loans. Also, banks with the highest CRA ratings tend to have the lowest safety and soundness ratings.
FICTION: Only 6% of subprime loans were originated by banks subject to the CRA, so the vast majority of risky lending was not tied to the law.
FACT: Among other things, the figure does not count the trillions of dollars in CRA "commitments" that WaMu, BofA, JPMorgan Chase, Citibank, Wells Fargo and other large banks pledged to radical inner-city groups like Acorn, Greenlining and Neighborhood Assistance Corp. of America (NACA) after they used the public comment process to protest bank merger applications on CRA grounds.
All told, they shook down banks for $4.6 trillion in such commitments before the crisis, boasts a report by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, or NCRC, the nation's top CRA lobbyist (which conveniently removed the report from its website during the FCIC hearings).
FICTION: "These loans performed well," the FCIC report maintained.
FACT: Brookings found that the loan commitments were set aside for low-income minorities with "marginal credit scores" and posed a higher risk. They were even riskier than regular CRA loans, because the banks delegated underwriting authority to the nonprofit shakedown groups, which had no experience judging credit risk.
NACA thinks traditional underwriting standards are "patronizing and racist." It advertises that anyone — "regardless of how bad your credit is" — can qualify for the mortgages it's arranged through special deals with banks. Not surprisingly, one study found that its delinquency rates were eight times higher than the national average.
Banks reported delinquency rates ranging from 5% to 50% on loans made pursuant to their merger-related commitments.
Yet the FCIC refused to investigate the more than 300 CRA agreements that banks and community organizers entered into before the subprime bubble burst.
Despite repeated requests by Commissioner Peter Wallison, the panel never examined the performance of the trillions in loan commitments.
Why would Chairman Angelides steer blame away from the CRA? Because he's a big fan of the CRA. And as California state treasurer, from 1999 to 2007, he steered billions in state funds into unsafe CRA mortgages securitized by Freddie Mac.
At the time, Greenlining advised Angelides on where to invest California state funds, even providing him with its own CRA report card on "good" and "bad" banks. He has also personally benefited from CRA projects brokered by his real estate development firms, according to "The Great American Bank Robbery."
As part of the CRA racket, Angelides should have been a witness in the crisis investigation, not its chief inquisitor. With the cover-up complete, he now hopes that CRA critics will go away.
"The debate about the role of the CRA should now be over as evidence presented in the commission's report is clear," Angelides declared earlier this month.
Sorry, sir, but the debate will end when the public has all the facts, not just your cooked report.
Well, Obama didn't learn from Clinton's mistake. Obama wants to expand the Community Reinvestment Act. Luckily for us, Investors Business Daily is exposing this and separating the fact from fiction in hopes of avoiding another disaster. Unfortunately for us, most who serve in Washington are complete idiots and will probably allow this to happen.
In light of the Obama administration's stated goal of expanding the CRA, separating fact from fiction regarding this issue is of towering importance — to set the historic record straight and to prevent another financial calamity.
FICTION: Because the CRA was passed in 1977, long before the subprime crisis, it couldn't have caused the recent explosion in bad loans.
FACT: The toothless 1977 regulations fully expired in July 1997, when President Clinton rewrote them to toughen CRA enforcement as part of a crusade to close the "mortgage gap" between blacks and whites.
For the first time, banks were required to show results. One of the five performance criteria in the "lending test" — the most heavily weighted component of the CRA exam — was adopting "flexible lending practices" to address the credit needs of poor borrowers in "predominantly minority neighborhoods." Banks that didn't bend their underwriting rules risked flunking the exam.
Ex-Federal Reserve Board Gov. Lawrence Lindsey, a staunch CRA defender, acknowledges that the changes "did contribute to a downgrading of credit standards."
FICTION: "Many of these (CRA) loans were not very risky," the FCIC report claims.
FACT: Studies show that CRA loans have higher delinquencies and defaults and act as a major drag on bank earnings. In 2008, CRA loans accounted for just 7% of Bank of America's total mortgage lending, but 29% of its losses on home loans. Also, banks with the highest CRA ratings tend to have the lowest safety and soundness ratings.
FICTION: Only 6% of subprime loans were originated by banks subject to the CRA, so the vast majority of risky lending was not tied to the law.
FACT: Among other things, the figure does not count the trillions of dollars in CRA "commitments" that WaMu, BofA, JPMorgan Chase, Citibank, Wells Fargo and other large banks pledged to radical inner-city groups like Acorn, Greenlining and Neighborhood Assistance Corp. of America (NACA) after they used the public comment process to protest bank merger applications on CRA grounds.
All told, they shook down banks for $4.6 trillion in such commitments before the crisis, boasts a report by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, or NCRC, the nation's top CRA lobbyist (which conveniently removed the report from its website during the FCIC hearings).
FICTION: "These loans performed well," the FCIC report maintained.
FACT: Brookings found that the loan commitments were set aside for low-income minorities with "marginal credit scores" and posed a higher risk. They were even riskier than regular CRA loans, because the banks delegated underwriting authority to the nonprofit shakedown groups, which had no experience judging credit risk.
NACA thinks traditional underwriting standards are "patronizing and racist." It advertises that anyone — "regardless of how bad your credit is" — can qualify for the mortgages it's arranged through special deals with banks. Not surprisingly, one study found that its delinquency rates were eight times higher than the national average.
Banks reported delinquency rates ranging from 5% to 50% on loans made pursuant to their merger-related commitments.
Yet the FCIC refused to investigate the more than 300 CRA agreements that banks and community organizers entered into before the subprime bubble burst.
Despite repeated requests by Commissioner Peter Wallison, the panel never examined the performance of the trillions in loan commitments.
Why would Chairman Angelides steer blame away from the CRA? Because he's a big fan of the CRA. And as California state treasurer, from 1999 to 2007, he steered billions in state funds into unsafe CRA mortgages securitized by Freddie Mac.
At the time, Greenlining advised Angelides on where to invest California state funds, even providing him with its own CRA report card on "good" and "bad" banks. He has also personally benefited from CRA projects brokered by his real estate development firms, according to "The Great American Bank Robbery."
As part of the CRA racket, Angelides should have been a witness in the crisis investigation, not its chief inquisitor. With the cover-up complete, he now hopes that CRA critics will go away.
"The debate about the role of the CRA should now be over as evidence presented in the commission's report is clear," Angelides declared earlier this month.
Sorry, sir, but the debate will end when the public has all the facts, not just your cooked report.
Obama's Planning a Ground War in Libya: Marines Headed, CIA Been There Done That
BBCW was ahead of the curve in warning you Obama was sending ground troops to Libya. News broke hard yesterday about Marines returning to the shores of Tripoli, but I warned you last week.
We now have a motive as to why Obama launched this war on Libya. It's all about the free flow of oil. It may not be oil the United States is dependent on, but it is oil allies like the United Kingdom needs. Yes the UK and France depend on Libya for their oil. All you Obamaphytes that attacked Bush claiming his wars weren't about democracy but were about oil, it looks like your boy has launched a parallel war and he is now sending Americans to put their lives on the line so the UK and France get their oil.
It's not just Marines heading to Libya. It turns out the men in black, you friendly CIA has been in Libya for weeks gathering intelligence to launch Obama's illegal war.
Today, the NY Times picked up the story and confirms that there are spooks — American and British alike — in Libya. In fact, they’ve been there for several weeks. Let’s see…Obama officially launched his Unconstitutional, illegitimate war, unilaterally, 11 days ago and the CIA has been there for weeks. So, there was no time to go to Congress and get a declaration of war — as required by the Constitution -—while Congress was still in session? Isn’t that why the CIA was in Libya?
We now have a motive as to why Obama launched this war on Libya. It's all about the free flow of oil. It may not be oil the United States is dependent on, but it is oil allies like the United Kingdom needs. Yes the UK and France depend on Libya for their oil. All you Obamaphytes that attacked Bush claiming his wars weren't about democracy but were about oil, it looks like your boy has launched a parallel war and he is now sending Americans to put their lives on the line so the UK and France get their oil.
It's not just Marines heading to Libya. It turns out the men in black, you friendly CIA has been in Libya for weeks gathering intelligence to launch Obama's illegal war.
Today, the NY Times picked up the story and confirms that there are spooks — American and British alike — in Libya. In fact, they’ve been there for several weeks. Let’s see…Obama officially launched his Unconstitutional, illegitimate war, unilaterally, 11 days ago and the CIA has been there for weeks. So, there was no time to go to Congress and get a declaration of war — as required by the Constitution -—while Congress was still in session? Isn’t that why the CIA was in Libya?
Losing Faith in Michele Bachmann as a Tea Party Leader in Congress
She voted for the USA Patriot Act, and she claims she is Tea Party. I didn't give Michele Bachmann a pass. It's probably a good thing. Her latest rant against Obama appears to be from her dislike and disgust of Obama rather than anything that resembles a Constitutional argument against Obama's illegal war in Libya.
“I would not have gone in” to Libya, Bachmann said on NBC’s “Today” show.
Neither would I, especially as a member of the Tea Party. Listen to what Bachmann says is her reason.
Did you hear anything that resembles a Tea Party, Founding Father based Constitutional argument? She argues there isn't any national interest in Obama's justification for his war. "National interest?" You mean the United States should bomb nations back to the stone age simply based on "national interest." That sounds imperialistic to me, especially when you consider the caution the founding fathers used when it came to war. They clearly placed in the Constitution the purpose of the military is to "provide common defense." National interest isn't listed as the reason for the military.
The question needs to be asked again. Is Michele Bachmann earning her DeceptiCON (neocon) stripes as she plays with the presidency?
“I would not have gone in” to Libya, Bachmann said on NBC’s “Today” show.
Neither would I, especially as a member of the Tea Party. Listen to what Bachmann says is her reason.
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Did you hear anything that resembles a Tea Party, Founding Father based Constitutional argument? She argues there isn't any national interest in Obama's justification for his war. "National interest?" You mean the United States should bomb nations back to the stone age simply based on "national interest." That sounds imperialistic to me, especially when you consider the caution the founding fathers used when it came to war. They clearly placed in the Constitution the purpose of the military is to "provide common defense." National interest isn't listed as the reason for the military.
The question needs to be asked again. Is Michele Bachmann earning her DeceptiCON (neocon) stripes as she plays with the presidency?
Congressman Billy Long vs. Founding Father Benjamin Franklin
Billy Long claimed he was Tea Party before Tea Party was cool. Let's put that to the test one more time and look at the recent words of Billy Long and compare it to a quote from founding father Benjamin Franklin.
From the Springfield News-Leader:
When asked about the provision in the bill that would sell off the frequency used by amateur radio operators, Long said that was news to him. He said he co-sponsored the bill because King, the homeland security chairman, asked him to and because the bill is supported by many organizations that are committed to public safety, something he values.
So in essence, Billy Long is willing to take away freedoms for public safety since this bill would obviously create more regulations that places more restrictions on all Americans who have the opportunity to engage in HAM radio communications all in the name of public safety.
In poor health, and with tears falling down his face, Benjamin Franklin signed our Constitution limiting the role of government and creating a union ruled by laws--a Republic. Billy Long claims his Pocket Constitution with Benjamin Franklin's name listed as a signer is rode hard and put up wet--Billy Long's claim that he actually reads and understands the Constitution and its limits on government. So let's see what Benjamin Franklin had to say about the public safety, since he obviously just didn't read the Constitution, he signed the Constitution and engaged in its debate.
Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.--Benjamin Franklin
Clearly, Congressman Long is on the wrong side of another issue citing public safety, something the federal government has limited powers to create, to justify another one of his not-so-Tea-Party positions.
Winner: Benjamin Franklin--did you have any doubts?
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's Op-ed the New York Times Refused to Print
In nearly every state across America, Governors are facing major budget deficits. Many, Democrat and Republican alike, are cutting state aid to schools and other local governments – which will force massive layoffs, massive property tax increases or both.
In Wisconsin, we are doing something progressive in the best sense of the word. We are implementing reforms to protect middle class jobs and middle class taxpayers. While our idea may be a bold political move it is a very modest request of our employees.
We are reforming the bargaining system so our state and local governments can ask employees to contribute 5.8% for pension and 12.6% for health insurance premiums. These reforms will help them balance their budgets. In total, our reforms save local governments more than $700 million each year.
Most workers outside of government would love our proposal. Over the past several months, I have visited numerous factories and small businesses across Wisconsin. On these tours, workers tell me that they pay anywhere from 15% to 50% of their health insurance premium costs. The average middle class worker is paying more than 20% of his or her premium.
Even federal employees pay more than twice what we are asking state and local government workers to pay and most of them don’t have collective bargaining for wages or benefits. These facts beg the question as to why the protesters are in Wisconsin and not in Washington, D.C. By nearly any measure, our requests are quite reasonable.
Beyond helping to balance current and future budgets, our reforms will improve the quality of our governments. No longer will hiring and firing be done solely based on seniority and union contracts. Instead, schools – as well as state and local governments – will be able to make decisions based on merit and performance.
This concept works well in Indiana. In 2005, Governor Mitch Daniels reformed collective bargaining. In turn, the government got more efficient, more effective and more accountable to the public. Governor Daniels even encouraged employees to come forward with ways to save taxpayer dollars and they responded. Eventually, the state was able to reward top performing employees. This is true reform — making government work for the people.
A recent columnist on these pages opined that “common problems deserve common solutions” suggesting that Republicans and Democrats work together. In principle, that is a good idea.
Since January 3rd, we passed some of the most aggressive economic development legislation in the country. And on nearly every measure, many Democrats joined with all of the Republicans and an Independent to vote in favor of the various pieces of legislation. The Wisconsin legislature recognized that we are growing, not Republican or Democratic jobs, but Wisconsin jobs. Together, we worked to show that Wisconsin is open for business.
But sometimes, bi-partisanship is not so good. During several of the past budgets, members of both political parties raided segregated funds, used questionable accounting principles and deferred tough decisions. This, along with the use of billions of dollars worth of one-time federal stimulus money for the budget two years ago, left Wisconsin with the current $3.6 billion deficit.
Our reforms allow us to take a new and better approach. Instead of avoiding the hard decisions and searching for short-term solutions, we make a commitment to the future. The choices we are making now in Wisconsin will make sure our children are not left picking up the pieces of the broken state budget left behind. Our reforms create the lowest structural deficit in recent history ensuring our budget is stable for decades to come. These changes will give businesses the confidence they need to grow and invest in our state.
We live in the greatest nation on earth because for more than 200 years we’ve had leaders who cared more about their children and grandchildren than themselves. Having the courage to make decisions in the best interest of the next generation — despite external pressures — is a concept that America has always admired, but is forgetting today. My hope is that Wisconsin will remind the nation what makes our country great.
Scott Walker
In Wisconsin, we are doing something progressive in the best sense of the word. We are implementing reforms to protect middle class jobs and middle class taxpayers. While our idea may be a bold political move it is a very modest request of our employees.
We are reforming the bargaining system so our state and local governments can ask employees to contribute 5.8% for pension and 12.6% for health insurance premiums. These reforms will help them balance their budgets. In total, our reforms save local governments more than $700 million each year.
Most workers outside of government would love our proposal. Over the past several months, I have visited numerous factories and small businesses across Wisconsin. On these tours, workers tell me that they pay anywhere from 15% to 50% of their health insurance premium costs. The average middle class worker is paying more than 20% of his or her premium.
Even federal employees pay more than twice what we are asking state and local government workers to pay and most of them don’t have collective bargaining for wages or benefits. These facts beg the question as to why the protesters are in Wisconsin and not in Washington, D.C. By nearly any measure, our requests are quite reasonable.
Beyond helping to balance current and future budgets, our reforms will improve the quality of our governments. No longer will hiring and firing be done solely based on seniority and union contracts. Instead, schools – as well as state and local governments – will be able to make decisions based on merit and performance.
This concept works well in Indiana. In 2005, Governor Mitch Daniels reformed collective bargaining. In turn, the government got more efficient, more effective and more accountable to the public. Governor Daniels even encouraged employees to come forward with ways to save taxpayer dollars and they responded. Eventually, the state was able to reward top performing employees. This is true reform — making government work for the people.
A recent columnist on these pages opined that “common problems deserve common solutions” suggesting that Republicans and Democrats work together. In principle, that is a good idea.
Since January 3rd, we passed some of the most aggressive economic development legislation in the country. And on nearly every measure, many Democrats joined with all of the Republicans and an Independent to vote in favor of the various pieces of legislation. The Wisconsin legislature recognized that we are growing, not Republican or Democratic jobs, but Wisconsin jobs. Together, we worked to show that Wisconsin is open for business.
But sometimes, bi-partisanship is not so good. During several of the past budgets, members of both political parties raided segregated funds, used questionable accounting principles and deferred tough decisions. This, along with the use of billions of dollars worth of one-time federal stimulus money for the budget two years ago, left Wisconsin with the current $3.6 billion deficit.
Our reforms allow us to take a new and better approach. Instead of avoiding the hard decisions and searching for short-term solutions, we make a commitment to the future. The choices we are making now in Wisconsin will make sure our children are not left picking up the pieces of the broken state budget left behind. Our reforms create the lowest structural deficit in recent history ensuring our budget is stable for decades to come. These changes will give businesses the confidence they need to grow and invest in our state.
We live in the greatest nation on earth because for more than 200 years we’ve had leaders who cared more about their children and grandchildren than themselves. Having the courage to make decisions in the best interest of the next generation — despite external pressures — is a concept that America has always admired, but is forgetting today. My hope is that Wisconsin will remind the nation what makes our country great.
Scott Walker
Obama Prays About His Unconstitutional War in Libya
Barack Obama admits to praying about his illegal war in Libya.
I do a lot of praying. Absolutely. Every night, right before I go to bed. You know, and I am praying that – I’m making the best possible decisions, and that I’ve got the strength to serve the American people well. And frankly as President of the United States, you know, your responsibilities extend beyond beyond our borders. And these decisions are difficult.
Do you think it's a prayer of jihad?
I do a lot of praying. Absolutely. Every night, right before I go to bed. You know, and I am praying that – I’m making the best possible decisions, and that I’ve got the strength to serve the American people well. And frankly as President of the United States, you know, your responsibilities extend beyond beyond our borders. And these decisions are difficult.
Do you think it's a prayer of jihad?
Mark Levin Calls Ron Paul Followers "A-Holes"
Come on Mr. Levin? Surely you are better than this. Calling Ron Paul supporters "a-holes?" Then he describes Ron Paul followers as "Marxists."
We are not "a-holes" Mr. Levin. We are freedom-loving people who like Tom Woods, who defeated Mr. Levin in a recent Constitutional argument on the use of the military and presidential powers, support the Constitution. Notice that Mr. Levin hasn't even seen the evidence he describes on the air as he attacks Constitutional Conservatives. I have always enjoyed Mark Levin's show, but I am less likely to listen after he started this rant.
How does Levin know it's Ron Paul followers who are littering his social media sites. Could it be people who want you to believe they are Ron Paul supporters to hurt the rEVOLution? This goes on all the time in politics on Web sites. I think Levin has been way out of line since this war in Libya started.
Ron Paul is on the right side of Obama's illegal war, and Levin is supporting an unconstitutional war forgetting our military is to be used for a "common defense," knowing Libya posed no threat to the US when Obama attacked.
We are not "a-holes" Mr. Levin. We are freedom-loving people who like Tom Woods, who defeated Mr. Levin in a recent Constitutional argument on the use of the military and presidential powers, support the Constitution. Notice that Mr. Levin hasn't even seen the evidence he describes on the air as he attacks Constitutional Conservatives. I have always enjoyed Mark Levin's show, but I am less likely to listen after he started this rant.
How does Levin know it's Ron Paul followers who are littering his social media sites. Could it be people who want you to believe they are Ron Paul supporters to hurt the rEVOLution? This goes on all the time in politics on Web sites. I think Levin has been way out of line since this war in Libya started.
Ron Paul is on the right side of Obama's illegal war, and Levin is supporting an unconstitutional war forgetting our military is to be used for a "common defense," knowing Libya posed no threat to the US when Obama attacked.
Obama Wants to Ensure Future Indoctrination in DC Public Schools
Earlier this year, Obama's chief science advisor John Holdren said the key to getting people to accept global warming is through education. Have no doubt, this means indoctrination. Obama is getting ready to make it harder for Washington DC students to escape this indoctrination.
The White House released a statement yesterday once again pushing for more federal education control and less possibility to send your kids to better private schools.
While the Administration appreciates that H.R. 471 would provide Federal support for improving public schools in the District of Columbia (D.C.), including expanding and improving high-quality D.C. public charter schools, the Administration opposes the creation or expansion of private school voucher programs that are authorized by this bill. The Federal Government should focus its attention and available resources on improving the quality of public schools for all students. Private school vouchers are not an effective way to improve student achievement. The Administration strongly opposes expanding the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program and opening it to new students.
Rigorous evaluation over several years demonstrates that the D.C. program has not yielded improved student achievement by its scholarship recipients compared to other students in D.C. While the President’s FY 2012 Budget requests funding to improve D.C. public schools and expand high-quality public charter schools, the Administration opposes targeting resources to help a small number of individuals attend private schools rather than creating access to great public schools for every child.
Rigorous evaluation? I guess we won't know what defined the evaluation, but I have a feeling it resembles Holdren's idea of the perfect educational setting.
The White House released a statement yesterday once again pushing for more federal education control and less possibility to send your kids to better private schools.
While the Administration appreciates that H.R. 471 would provide Federal support for improving public schools in the District of Columbia (D.C.), including expanding and improving high-quality D.C. public charter schools, the Administration opposes the creation or expansion of private school voucher programs that are authorized by this bill. The Federal Government should focus its attention and available resources on improving the quality of public schools for all students. Private school vouchers are not an effective way to improve student achievement. The Administration strongly opposes expanding the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program and opening it to new students.
Rigorous evaluation over several years demonstrates that the D.C. program has not yielded improved student achievement by its scholarship recipients compared to other students in D.C. While the President’s FY 2012 Budget requests funding to improve D.C. public schools and expand high-quality public charter schools, the Administration opposes targeting resources to help a small number of individuals attend private schools rather than creating access to great public schools for every child.
Rigorous evaluation? I guess we won't know what defined the evaluation, but I have a feeling it resembles Holdren's idea of the perfect educational setting.
Democrat Anti-War Protesters Stop Protesting When Democrats Wage War
I asked yesterday where are the anti-war protesters protesting Obama's illegal war in Libya. As you know, these people were easy to find when George W. Bush was president, and they usually held up vulgar signs often wishing for the former President's death. Now Obama is waging war all over the globe, they are silent.
Sociologists Michael Heaney and Fabio Rojas has done some research and discovered some interesting numbers. When democrats wage war in the White House, anti-war protesters who identify themselves as Democrats obviously no longer have problems with bombing Middle Eastern countries back to the stone age. Check out their graph.
Sociologists Michael Heaney and Fabio Rojas has done some research and discovered some interesting numbers. When democrats wage war in the White House, anti-war protesters who identify themselves as Democrats obviously no longer have problems with bombing Middle Eastern countries back to the stone age. Check out their graph.
Cash For Clunkers II: $7500 Tax Credit for Buying a General Motors Car?
The Obama administration, feeling the heat from failed stimulus as well as seeing the General Motors is not healthy and probably won't survive $5 a gallon gasoline, is looking to create a Cash for Clunkers II. Cash for Clunkers II is even more sinister than its predecessor.
The Washington Times reports, "The proposed Obama Budget, changes the existing $7,500 electric vehicle tax credit “into a rebate that will be available to all consumers immediately at the point of sale.”
Buy a car and get $7500 free from the government. Peggy Joseph is obviously celebrating tonight. Obama may not have paid her rent, but he is at least going to buy part of her next car.
The Washington Times reports, "The proposed Obama Budget, changes the existing $7,500 electric vehicle tax credit “into a rebate that will be available to all consumers immediately at the point of sale.”
Buy a car and get $7500 free from the government. Peggy Joseph is obviously celebrating tonight. Obama may not have paid her rent, but he is at least going to buy part of her next car.
Mike Church Questions the Modern Elitist Definition of Conservative
What exactly do the elites mean when they call a public figure a “conservative” these days? To listen to the daily lineup of TV & Radio shows that have been anointed as “conservative” yields a snapshot of “conservatism” that the first “conservatives” would find reprehensible.
For example when it comes to weighing in on federal government spending, today’s elite conservatives might say that it is acceptable to confiscate-at the point of the IRS’s gun- 22-24% of GDP. This is a far cry from Barry Goldwater’s 1964 insistence that entire federal agencies and programs need to be eliminated to get federal spending back to its historical average of less than FIVE percent of GDP.
In the early days of modern conservatism, it was incumbent on “conservatives” to oppose the entire New Deal while today, the New Deal’s crown jewel, Social Security, is regularly defended by “conservatives’. Would Calvin Coolidge approve of this? What about veto king Grover Cleveland. If we peer back a bit further in time, one wonders what John C Calhoun might think of ANY federal program that purports to regulate and subsidize food, yet today “conservatives” like Louisiana’s David Vitter are SHILLS for the FDA’s expansion in this endeavor. This is conservatism? Exactly what are they trying to conserve? Russell Kirk and other 20th century conservatives could be relied on to vehemently oppose all nation building exercises and even support for an ongoing standing army.
Today’s “conservatives” not only DEMAND a standing army, they demand it be used in whatever war a President thinks we should be involved in to help rebels. One can’t help but wonder what “conservatives” would recommend a President do about American rebels who long for their independence from Leviathan and its “conservative” defenders?
For example when it comes to weighing in on federal government spending, today’s elite conservatives might say that it is acceptable to confiscate-at the point of the IRS’s gun- 22-24% of GDP. This is a far cry from Barry Goldwater’s 1964 insistence that entire federal agencies and programs need to be eliminated to get federal spending back to its historical average of less than FIVE percent of GDP.
In the early days of modern conservatism, it was incumbent on “conservatives” to oppose the entire New Deal while today, the New Deal’s crown jewel, Social Security, is regularly defended by “conservatives’. Would Calvin Coolidge approve of this? What about veto king Grover Cleveland. If we peer back a bit further in time, one wonders what John C Calhoun might think of ANY federal program that purports to regulate and subsidize food, yet today “conservatives” like Louisiana’s David Vitter are SHILLS for the FDA’s expansion in this endeavor. This is conservatism? Exactly what are they trying to conserve? Russell Kirk and other 20th century conservatives could be relied on to vehemently oppose all nation building exercises and even support for an ongoing standing army.
Today’s “conservatives” not only DEMAND a standing army, they demand it be used in whatever war a President thinks we should be involved in to help rebels. One can’t help but wonder what “conservatives” would recommend a President do about American rebels who long for their independence from Leviathan and its “conservative” defenders?
Gas Hits Nearly $4 a Gallon Before Obama Decides to Address It
Obama has been quiet about the rising cost of oil. When it started to rise, he didn't say much. When it continued, he remained silent. Now that gas is hitting $4 a gallon, Obama is finally speaking up. We all knew it was going to hit $4 a gallon, this isn't a surprise. So why has Obama waited until $4 a gallon until he has decided to address the issue? Could it be because Obama wants $4 a gallon gas and then some? Of course.
The Wall Street Journal announces that Obama will finally address the high oil costs. Why now? Why did he wait for so long?
President Barack Obama, under pressure to respond to rising gas prices, will outline Wednesday a series of initiatives to cut the nation's reliance on foreign oil, including new initiatives to expand oil production, increase the use of natural gas to power vehicles and increase production of ethanol.
So what do you think this entails? High speed rails, higher cafe standards, more public transportation? Of course. How serious do you think Obama is to pursue American oil? Remember, he was down in South America last week investing your tax dollars into foreign jobs in Brazil. Will he meet his Brazil commitment in the United States? I doubt it. His solution to reduce foreign dependence will be smaller cars and more government transportation.
I believe this is more for show than resolving the high cost of oil. Remember, liberal Democrats called for high oil costs in order to keep more cars parked.
The Wall Street Journal announces that Obama will finally address the high oil costs. Why now? Why did he wait for so long?
President Barack Obama, under pressure to respond to rising gas prices, will outline Wednesday a series of initiatives to cut the nation's reliance on foreign oil, including new initiatives to expand oil production, increase the use of natural gas to power vehicles and increase production of ethanol.
So what do you think this entails? High speed rails, higher cafe standards, more public transportation? Of course. How serious do you think Obama is to pursue American oil? Remember, he was down in South America last week investing your tax dollars into foreign jobs in Brazil. Will he meet his Brazil commitment in the United States? I doubt it. His solution to reduce foreign dependence will be smaller cars and more government transportation.
I believe this is more for show than resolving the high cost of oil. Remember, liberal Democrats called for high oil costs in order to keep more cars parked.
Former Congressional Candidate Michael Wardell and CB Join Super Dave to Discuss the International Baccalaureate at Ozark High School
Thanks to Super Dave for having former Republican Congressional candidate and myself on his radio show this evening. We joined Dave to discuss the implementation of the International Baccalaureate at Ozark High School and its globalist, anti-American hidden agenda. You can listen to the interview if you missed it right here on BBCW.

Listen to internet radio with superdaveshow on Blog Talk Radio
China's Ghost Cities Are Long-Term Central Planning from the Statist
In the United States, there seems to be a curiosity about China's ghost cities. The new cities remain vacant--billions of dollars spent and nobody lives there. Unlike the United States, who thinks in four year cycles, China is a long-term planner--just like they have planned their rise to dominance in the global economy, they obvious have plans for these cities. Could it be they are preparing to import people as they slow reconquer their empire? Those who come along for the ride without resistance will be awarded a place in once of these new Chinese ghost cities? I wonder...
A new video leaked shows one of the strange ghost cities centrally planned by the statists in the Chicom government.
A new video leaked shows one of the strange ghost cities centrally planned by the statists in the Chicom government.
Obama's Buddy William Ayers Talks New World Order--One World Government
Unrepentant terrorist and friend of Obama, William Ayers is now on record supporting the New World Order of one world government. Remember Obama sat on the Annenberg Challenge pushing the International Baccalaureate into the Chicago Public Schools with William Ayers, former leader of the terrorist group the Weather Underground. As well, Obama started his political career in Ayers' Chicago home.
In the video, Ayers a vote for the United States president from Cuba to Qatar in their push for a New World Order. Now remember, Ayers support of the IB is because the IB also promotes this one world government through good globalist citizens, an agenda that is being pushed in even the most conservative of communities like Ozark, Missouri in Ozark High School.
In the video, Ayers a vote for the United States president from Cuba to Qatar in their push for a New World Order. Now remember, Ayers support of the IB is because the IB also promotes this one world government through good globalist citizens, an agenda that is being pushed in even the most conservative of communities like Ozark, Missouri in Ozark High School.
Will Obama Demand a Draft to Carry Out His Unconstitutional Wars?
The era of the last draft in United States history was because of a war started by a Democrat. Vietnam sent thousands of boys, often against their will, to fight for democracy (a principle our founding fathers didn't approve of as they ratified the Constitution created a Republic) and freedom in Vietnam. Since 1973, the United States has prepared for war with an all-volunteer military, but with the United States now in three wars with the possibility of war in Syria, Yemen, and Iran on the horizon, you have to ask how far will Barack Obama go to fight these wars of aggression.
Fortunately, for Obama, the labor market looks bleak for today's high school seniors. The economy isn't good, and with high fuel prices, many don't have faith it will get better. Therefore, recruiters aren't having problems enlisting young men and women for service. However, if we continue to engage in endless, unpopular wars, like the war Obama has started in Libya, one may assume these recruiting numbers may decrease. (By the way, where are the war protests against Obama that were present during the Bush years? Are the peace protesters hypocrites? War is okay as long as a liberal Democrat runs the war?)
So, with the possibility of other wars in the Middle East based on similar situations that Obama launched war in Libya, how much longer until the United States returns to a draft to rejuvenate an already tired military that has been fighting endless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for almost ten years? Could Obama reinstate the draft? I think that's a real possibility if Obama continues to expand US aggression.
Fortunately, for Obama, the labor market looks bleak for today's high school seniors. The economy isn't good, and with high fuel prices, many don't have faith it will get better. Therefore, recruiters aren't having problems enlisting young men and women for service. However, if we continue to engage in endless, unpopular wars, like the war Obama has started in Libya, one may assume these recruiting numbers may decrease. (By the way, where are the war protests against Obama that were present during the Bush years? Are the peace protesters hypocrites? War is okay as long as a liberal Democrat runs the war?)
So, with the possibility of other wars in the Middle East based on similar situations that Obama launched war in Libya, how much longer until the United States returns to a draft to rejuvenate an already tired military that has been fighting endless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for almost ten years? Could Obama reinstate the draft? I think that's a real possibility if Obama continues to expand US aggression.
Rand Paul Calls Obama's War Unconstitutional After Obama Addresses America on Libya
Rand Paul issued a video statement after Obama's public address to the nation after his attack on Libya last night. Paul's words are direct and he doesn't waste anytime calling the war unconstitutional while providing the Obama administration's own words that conflict with Obama's actions while further proving Obama's war is illegal and unconstitutional.
Paul also expresses his concern for Obama's lack of plan in Libya and the possibility the United States is aiding Al Qaeda in their efforts in Libya.
Paul also says that "we are waging war across the Middle East on a credit card." He is right.
Paul also expresses his concern for Obama's lack of plan in Libya and the possibility the United States is aiding Al Qaeda in their efforts in Libya.
Paul also says that "we are waging war across the Middle East on a credit card." He is right.
Obama's Illegal War Costs America $100 Million a Day
The United States is quickly approaching the tipping point as next month Congress must decide whether or not to raise the debt ceiling to keep the United States solvent. Personally, I think it's a done deal and the Republican House will vote to raise the debt ceiling. Obama's illegal war against Libya is pushing America faster to the debt ceiling limit.
According to ABC, the first six days of the war cost the United States $600 million. $600 million for a war Obama describes as not a war.
One week after an international military coalition intervened in Libya, the cost to U.S. taxpayers has reached at least $600 million, according figures provided by the Pentagon.
U.S. ships and submarines in the Mediterranean have unleashed at least 191 Tomahawk cruise missiles from their arsenals to the tune of $268.8 million, the Pentagon said.
U.S. warplanes have dropped 455 precision guided bombs, costing tens of thousands of dollars each.
A downed Air Force F-15E fighter jet will cost more than $60 million to replace.
And operation of the war craft, guzzling ever-expensive fuel to maintain their positions off the Libyan coast and in the skies above, could reach millions of dollars a week, experts say.
Like Obama said, we aren't at war regardless of all the cruise missiles fired, a downed US jet, and $600 million of taxpayer dollars gone in a puff of smoke with charred bodies underneath.
According to ABC, the first six days of the war cost the United States $600 million. $600 million for a war Obama describes as not a war.
One week after an international military coalition intervened in Libya, the cost to U.S. taxpayers has reached at least $600 million, according figures provided by the Pentagon.
U.S. ships and submarines in the Mediterranean have unleashed at least 191 Tomahawk cruise missiles from their arsenals to the tune of $268.8 million, the Pentagon said.
U.S. warplanes have dropped 455 precision guided bombs, costing tens of thousands of dollars each.
A downed Air Force F-15E fighter jet will cost more than $60 million to replace.
And operation of the war craft, guzzling ever-expensive fuel to maintain their positions off the Libyan coast and in the skies above, could reach millions of dollars a week, experts say.
Like Obama said, we aren't at war regardless of all the cruise missiles fired, a downed US jet, and $600 million of taxpayer dollars gone in a puff of smoke with charred bodies underneath.
Fake Scott Eckersley Quit Congressional Race E-Mail Generates FBI Grand Jury Investigation
Congressman Billy Long may soon discover he doesn't like the FBI as much as he did during the first week of his new job. BBCW acquired e-mail evidence that Billy Long's Congressional campaign and a Chicago political strategy group run by Patrick Binning, a former Springfield, Missouri resident who attended Greenwood High School about the same time Long's daughters did, and who may have ties directly to Long considering social media evidence may be under a grand jury investigation according to the FBI.
The Friday before the election, a fictitious e-mail was sent to various media outlets in Southwest Missouri claiming Scott Eckersley had decided to quit the Congressional race. The e-mail wasn't sent by any representative of the Eckersley campaign, and Eckersley went scrambling to correct the story as the election went into the final weekend. The IP address was traced to a Chicagoland server in the vacinity of Lakefront Strategies, owned by Patrick J. Binning, who had been corresponding with Congressman Long through Social Media and began removing his social media presence when news broke the FBI was involved with the investigation.
Here is part of that e-mail exchange with the names removed to protect the FBI agents.
On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 12:39 PM, xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I received an e-mail from xxxxxx indicating that she had spoken with you. xxx is completing her reports, which will be forwarded to me for inclusion in my case file. xxx also forwarded additional information you provided subsequent to the interview and informed me you couldn't locate my email, so I wanted to send you a quick message with my contact information.
If you have questions, or have additional information to provide, please forward directly to me, as xxx involvement in this matter will be concluded upon completion of her reports.
Special Agent xxxxxxxxxxx
Federal Bureau of Investigation
From: Scott Eckersley
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 9:13 AM
To: xxxxx
Subject: Re: Contact information
I ran across an article that talks about Billy Long's campaign manager James Harris and one of his former employees, Shawn Bell. Shawn Bell is the person who "re-tweeted" James Harris's original tweet that first declared I had dropped out of the race. Harris tried to delete this tweet, but it was captured by Shawn Bell's "re-tweet" of Harris's original tweet.
Subsequently, Bell phoned local bloggers and media asking them to take his name out of their story. He apparently was quoted saying he had parted ways w/ Harris b/c of the "illegal and shady" stuff Harris made him do.
Here is the link with audio:
Have you spoken with Patrick Binning? Any updates or progress?
On Mar 4, 2011, at 8:23 AM, xxxxxx wrote:
I appreciate the additional information, and encourage you to provide any further information you may come across which sheds light on this matter.
Unfortunately, because we are using the Grand Jury process in the investigation of this matter, I am prohibited by Grand Jury secrecy rules from discussing specifics of the investigation.
I can tell you that I am coordinating the investigation with the local U.S. Attorney's office, as well as with a trial attorney from the U.S. Department of Justice, Public Integrity Section, Criminal Division. Rest assured, our investigation will be thorough and exhaustive in an attempt to prove who sent the fictitious email, the reason for sending it, and under whose direction it was sent.
If you have additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
The Friday before the election, a fictitious e-mail was sent to various media outlets in Southwest Missouri claiming Scott Eckersley had decided to quit the Congressional race. The e-mail wasn't sent by any representative of the Eckersley campaign, and Eckersley went scrambling to correct the story as the election went into the final weekend. The IP address was traced to a Chicagoland server in the vacinity of Lakefront Strategies, owned by Patrick J. Binning, who had been corresponding with Congressman Long through Social Media and began removing his social media presence when news broke the FBI was involved with the investigation.
Here is part of that e-mail exchange with the names removed to protect the FBI agents.
On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 12:39 PM, xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I received an e-mail from xxxxxx indicating that she had spoken with you. xxx is completing her reports, which will be forwarded to me for inclusion in my case file. xxx also forwarded additional information you provided subsequent to the interview and informed me you couldn't locate my email, so I wanted to send you a quick message with my contact information.
If you have questions, or have additional information to provide, please forward directly to me, as xxx involvement in this matter will be concluded upon completion of her reports.
Special Agent xxxxxxxxxxx
Federal Bureau of Investigation
From: Scott Eckersley
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 9:13 AM
To: xxxxx
Subject: Re: Contact information
I ran across an article that talks about Billy Long's campaign manager James Harris and one of his former employees, Shawn Bell. Shawn Bell is the person who "re-tweeted" James Harris's original tweet that first declared I had dropped out of the race. Harris tried to delete this tweet, but it was captured by Shawn Bell's "re-tweet" of Harris's original tweet.
Subsequently, Bell phoned local bloggers and media asking them to take his name out of their story. He apparently was quoted saying he had parted ways w/ Harris b/c of the "illegal and shady" stuff Harris made him do.
Here is the link with audio:
Have you spoken with Patrick Binning? Any updates or progress?
On Mar 4, 2011, at 8:23 AM, xxxxxx wrote:
I appreciate the additional information, and encourage you to provide any further information you may come across which sheds light on this matter.
Unfortunately, because we are using the Grand Jury process in the investigation of this matter, I am prohibited by Grand Jury secrecy rules from discussing specifics of the investigation.
I can tell you that I am coordinating the investigation with the local U.S. Attorney's office, as well as with a trial attorney from the U.S. Department of Justice, Public Integrity Section, Criminal Division. Rest assured, our investigation will be thorough and exhaustive in an attempt to prove who sent the fictitious email, the reason for sending it, and under whose direction it was sent.
If you have additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
A Montana Radio Shack is Giving Away Free Guns with Satellite Dish Subscription
A sign in front of a Radio Shack in Montana reads, "“Protect yourself with Dish Network. Sign up now, get free gun." The Hamilton, Montana Radio Shack is giving away a free gun with every Dish Network subscription it sells. How cool is that!
Now this isn't the first time a promotion like this has occurred. Popular Chicago radio talk show host Erich "Mancow" Mueller's brother, who owns Max Motors in Missouri has offered a free gun with a purchase of a car. This drew outrage among the anti-Second Amendment crowd.
Now this isn't the first time a promotion like this has occurred. Popular Chicago radio talk show host Erich "Mancow" Mueller's brother, who owns Max Motors in Missouri has offered a free gun with a purchase of a car. This drew outrage among the anti-Second Amendment crowd.
Is Oil the Real Reason Obama Attacked Libya: Qaddafi Wanted to Nationalize Middle Eastern Oil in 2009
Bill Kristol of Fox News called Obama's illegal war against Libya as driven by a "freedom-loving" president after last nights speech. If you read between the lines, freedom requires the free flow of oil to drive our modern economy. Is this what really inspired Bill Kristol's Obamagasm after the president's speech last night?
If you go back in history, not too far back, you will discover Qaddafi may have given the United States reasons to be concerned. While Obama will describe his efforts as humanitarian, an underlying theme is hard to deny. OIL!
In 2009, Qaddafi uttered the “N” word – nationalization. Not only for Libya’s oil, but all oil in the region.
Qaddafi stated, "The oil-exporting countries should opt for nationalization because of the rapid fall in oil prices. We must put the issue on the table and discuss it seriously. Oil should be owned by the State at this time, so we could better control prices by the increase or decrease in production.”
Notice he doesn't call just for Libya to nationalize. Why we can't have this radical thinking going on the Middle East, can we? Obama attacked Libya for oil--not to save the lives of Libyans.
If you go back in history, not too far back, you will discover Qaddafi may have given the United States reasons to be concerned. While Obama will describe his efforts as humanitarian, an underlying theme is hard to deny. OIL!
In 2009, Qaddafi uttered the “N” word – nationalization. Not only for Libya’s oil, but all oil in the region.
Qaddafi stated, "The oil-exporting countries should opt for nationalization because of the rapid fall in oil prices. We must put the issue on the table and discuss it seriously. Oil should be owned by the State at this time, so we could better control prices by the increase or decrease in production.”
Notice he doesn't call just for Libya to nationalize. Why we can't have this radical thinking going on the Middle East, can we? Obama attacked Libya for oil--not to save the lives of Libyans.
NFL Lockout?: Don't Need Scabs This Year With the Lingerie Football League
Women in lingerie may soon replace your Sunday NFL game. With the NFL in lockout with the upcoming season threatened, the Lingerie Football League may soon take over your Sunday attention. Lingerie football is the fastest growing sport in America.
The NFL has survived scabs, the AFL, and the XFL. However, this provides a different perspective rowdy sports fans may embrace over a sweaty 400 pound line man, if you know what I mean. The NFL better find some resolve, or they may be quickly forgotten about this season. :)
The NFL has survived scabs, the AFL, and the XFL. However, this provides a different perspective rowdy sports fans may embrace over a sweaty 400 pound line man, if you know what I mean. The NFL better find some resolve, or they may be quickly forgotten about this season. :)
March Madness 2011: Bracket Busted For All But Two People
This is the first year ever that my NCAA picks are all wiped out before the final four. Most Americans are in the same boat I am in according to ESPN, and with Virginia Commonwealth in, is that any real surprise that America is bracket busted (including Barack Obama, so maybe he can focus).
According to ESPN, there were nearly six million brackets picked. Only two people chose correctly of who will be in the Final Four. I hope those two people were confident enough to play some money in Las Vegas. However, there is always the chance their Final Four were auto picked like lotter numbers sometimes are.
According to ESPN, there were nearly six million brackets picked. Only two people chose correctly of who will be in the Final Four. I hope those two people were confident enough to play some money in Las Vegas. However, there is always the chance their Final Four were auto picked like lotter numbers sometimes are.
Obama Featured in an Anti-Abortion Billboard Campaign: “Every 21 Minutes, Our Next Possible Leader Is Aborted.”
A new anti-abortion campaign along the nation's highways feature Dear Leader Obama. The idea isn't original though and was done quite effectively upon Obama entering office. Do you recall seeing this video?
Life Always launched the first billboards in my old hometown, Chicago. They read “Every 21 Minutes, Our Next Possible Leader Is Aborted," and feature a variation of the Obama campaign commercial that has been the subject of variation and parody in the days following its release.
Of course, Obama was a prime candidate for abortion--young single mom (who apparently had problems keeping her young son's birth certificate), which really makes this ad all the more eye opening.
This is the first time Life Always has created controversy. Their last sign read, "The most dangerous place of an African American is in the womb." Something I am sure Martin Luther King would agree with. After all, Planned Parenthood, the nation's leading provider of abortions was founded in racial bigotry by one Margaret Sanger.
"Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated. We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." -- Margaret Sanger founder of Planned Parenthood
Sanger of course believed in eugenics and hoped to create a superior race by exterminating black people. Abortion was her tool of the trade to practice her racist beliefs.
Life Always launched the first billboards in my old hometown, Chicago. They read “Every 21 Minutes, Our Next Possible Leader Is Aborted," and feature a variation of the Obama campaign commercial that has been the subject of variation and parody in the days following its release.
Of course, Obama was a prime candidate for abortion--young single mom (who apparently had problems keeping her young son's birth certificate), which really makes this ad all the more eye opening.
This is the first time Life Always has created controversy. Their last sign read, "The most dangerous place of an African American is in the womb." Something I am sure Martin Luther King would agree with. After all, Planned Parenthood, the nation's leading provider of abortions was founded in racial bigotry by one Margaret Sanger.
"Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated. We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." -- Margaret Sanger founder of Planned Parenthood
Sanger of course believed in eugenics and hoped to create a superior race by exterminating black people. Abortion was her tool of the trade to practice her racist beliefs.
Is that Congressman Billy Long's Younger Special Needs Brother?
Why that looks like something out of Congressman Long's family, doesn't it? Goofy, dumb expression on his face with a sense of being lost...
...silly cowboy hat, goofy glasses, and bad tie.
Scary right?
But it's really not that scary. At least the top picture isn't. The bottom picture very scary. Why that's Glenn Beck wearing a Billy Long ten-gallon hat. Thankfully, we already know Beck developed an unfavorable opinion of Congressman Long very early on in Long's first few days in Congress.
...silly cowboy hat, goofy glasses, and bad tie.
Scary right?
But it's really not that scary. At least the top picture isn't. The bottom picture very scary. Why that's Glenn Beck wearing a Billy Long ten-gallon hat. Thankfully, we already know Beck developed an unfavorable opinion of Congressman Long very early on in Long's first few days in Congress.
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