The TSA is About to Force the Government into More Pension Debt: Unionizing TSA Means More Big Government

Another good reason to part ways with the TSA is the fact they are being pressured to unionize. No doubt unions like the SEIU are pushing the drive, and with unionization of any federal bureaucracy comes union pensions. Do I need to remind you the federal government is looking at how to make up $600 billion in pensions that our government raided like the US Post Office pensions?

As if the TSA isn't a big enough problem standing in the way of liberty and freedom in the United States, the possibility of unionization, which is going to happen unless we force the TSA out of the United States, will create another huge government union pension fund that will rob taxpayers of more money they could set aside for their own retirement and make investments with. This is coming fast, as the unions now see the most opportune time, with the TSA agents under attack, to make a stand to protect their working rights as Americans rights continue to be flushed down the drain.