I knew Claire McCaskill wasn't right in the head. You could see it as she ogled for Obama in 2008. I have been represented by some pretty bad Senators in my lifetime as well--Barack Obama and Dick Durbin, but I think McCaskill takes the cake.
McCaskill came out advocating for the TSA's unconstitutional and intrusive airport checkpoints' full body scans and pat downs, which include groping the genitals is a search for bombs and weapons. McCaskill calls them "love pats."
Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) supported the new screening methods, suggesting that people with hip or knee replacements will appreciate the changes.
"I have had my love pats every single flight I have taken, which is at least twice a week, for the last four years of my life, because I have a knee replacement," McCaskill said. "I am wildly excited about the notion that I can walk through a machine instead of getting my dose of love pats."