The Media is Back to Labeling Obama a God: Obama the God of Everything on Newsweek Cover

Get ready to prop up Obama. The presidential election has already begun. With Obama's poll numbers continuing to fall, the media is opening up reminders of the past to rebuild Obama's failed image.

Newsweek is portraying Obama as the six armed Hindu God Shiva. The magazine labels Obama the All Things. There is only one God of all things in my Christian world, and even Obama, providing he is true to his claimed beliefs should be upset with the label. Total blasphemy!

Is he more likely to frame this as more Obama hysteria or condemn it as blasphemy. That's from the Christian perspective.

While I don't advocate the Hindu religion, I thought I would see why Newsweek would shape shift Obama into the multi-pair of arms Hindu God (false idol) Shiva.

Pehaps, I quickly got my answer. Shiva is a major deity in the Hindu religion. Shivi is a Destroyer or transformer.

Well, Obama has gone out of his way to destroy the America I once knew and he is transforming it to something I don't want. For some reason, I have a feeling the liberal mainstream media applauds the cover and the hidden meaning.