Joe Biden, Father of the Patriot Act: Another Member of Obama's Cast Creating the American Police State

We continue to look at the cast members of the Obama administration who continue to turn America into a police state. Yesterday, we looked at TSA chairman John Pistole, and today it's Joe Biden, who takes credit for the Patriot Act, which set the foundations for this bipartisan effort. Biden has called himself the "Father of the Patriot Act," but remember, it was the Bush administration who pushed it through Congress with John Ashcroft helping lead the way.

Even before the Oklahoma City bombings, Joe Biden was busy at work writing the Omnibus Counterterrorism Act of 1995. It was later returned from the dead in 2001 after 9/11. "I drafted a terrorism bill after the Oklahoma City bombing. And the bill John Ashcroft sent up was my bill," Biden said when the Patriot Act was being debated, according to the New Republic.

Of course the Patriot was the very foundation that allowed the Department of Homeland Security to be set up as well as the TSA. Since it was passed, we have seen Americans citizens robbed of due process simply because the government claims they might be a terrorist. As well, you can see how one's Fourth Amendment rights have been sacrificed at airports with the naked body scanners and the groping of TSA's hands on Americans' genitalia. It doesn't stop there. Democrats including Barack Obama frequently accused George W. Bush of robbing people of their rights through wiretapping for intelligence purposes.

However, the Obama administration, who vowed to stop this invasion of privacy has only promoted it and begged for more federal power, even going as far as suggesting the federal government should be immune from lawsuits that are brought about because of wiretapping and claiming Americans give up all expected rights of privacy with a cell phone to push tracking of all Americans through their cell phones.

Maybe Biden's ground work in 1995 is the real reason Biden got the nod for VP and not Hillary Clinton. Perhaps it is for Biden laying the groundwork of the American police state through his 1995 counter-terrorism bill that later became the Patriot Act that made Biden of some value to Obama.

Notice in the first video, the sold the Patriot Act by convincing Americans they may have to give up a little liberty for security and protection. Notice how the government under Obama now is still making this same argument with their TSA. How far will this madness go before all rights are consumed? We are being duped by both parties here. This isn't Democrat vs. Republican anymore. This is about freedom loving people vs. the federal government, and Joe Biden wrote the very foundations of the what we are seeing happening in America today.