Texas Secession Bill Introduced in State House: Cites Federal Government Intrusion on States' Rights

The continued trampling on the Tenth Amendment by the Federal Government has pushed some Texans to stand up to the Federal Tyranny. Well sort of. They are willing to make a statement, but as of now passage of the Texas Secession Bill would only be symbolic and non-binding. Still Texas wants a vote on secession.

The following press release was published yesterday. It states the inevitable for healthy states like Texas who will soon watch the redistribution of Texas wealth used to save liberally taxed states like California. Notice, Texas secession is Constitutionally based highlighting the federal government hasn't lived up to the promise of Texas state sovereignty. Secession may also be the only way to escape this $14 trillion and growing federal deficit.

I wonder how many people would pack their bags and head for Texas if this was binding and passed.

March 3, 2011

AUSTIN -- The Texas Nationalist Movement will host a rally at the state capitol Saturday urging lawmakers to put the matter of Texas independence before the state's voters in a non-binding plebiscite.

The resolution, drawn up as a concurrent resolution of the Legislature, spells out actions by the federal government which have intruded on the sovereignty of the State of Texas and calls for the plebiscite to be included on the ballot of the next scheduled election for state constitutional amendments. That date is Nov. 8 of this year.

The rally is scheduled from 1-4 p.m. Saturday on the south steps of the State Capitol in Austin. The legislative sponsor of the rally is State Rep. Leo Berman (R-Tyler).

"The elected representatives of the people of Texas need to know what the voters think," TNM president Daniel Miller said. "That is the purpose of this resolution, simply to give our legislators a sense of what the people of Texas think about the actions they are taking in defense of state sovereignty."

Miller said that state officials and lawmakers have done well in attempting to defend the state's sovereignty from federal intrusion, and that this plebescite could help further the goal of reining in federal over-reach.

"The elections last November showed that a lot of people, not only in Texas but across the United States, believe that our federal government is out of control," Miller said. "Even though the power in Congress changed hands, however, Washington continues to try and bully Texas and other states with rules and regulations never voted on by any elected representatives of the people and in clear violation of the Tenth Amendment, which guarantees state sovereignty."

"Simply allowing the people of Texas to vote on this issue in a non-binding way would send a very loud, very clear message to Washington that Texas won't be pushed any farther."

The resolution spells out that the vote would be "non-binding and for advisory purposes only," and that results would be reported not only to state officials, but also to members of Congress and the President.

"We in the Texas Nationalist Movement believe that independence is necessary for the economic and cultural survival of the people of Texas," Miller said. "Even so, there is nothing more any of us would like to see than the United States government steer away from its current path of self-implosion and return to the original intent and purpose of government as defined by the U.S. Constitution."

The text of the resolution:



Whereas, The Republic of Texas originally won its independence from Mexico in 1836;

Whereas, prior to acceptance of the joint resolution of the Congress of the United States, Texas existed as an independent republic for a period of nine years until 1845;

Whereas, upon accepting admission as one of the United States, Texas remained a free and independent State subject only to the Constitution of the United States;

Whereas, the United States Federal Government has passed laws requiring expenditures of the State and People of Texas that are unfunded by the federal government in violation of the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution;

Whereas, the United States Federal Government has caused the intentional devaluation of its currency with its reckless spending and borrowing threatening the economic survival of Texas;

Whereas, the United States government has allowed the use of its authority, credit and good will for the benefit of private and foreign concerns in violation of its own constitution;

Whereas, the United States Federal Government has repeatedly failed and refused to guard the border between the State of Texas and the country of Mexico, which has led to and required vast expenditures by the State of Texas to protect its citizens;

Whereas, the United States Federal Government has implemented thousands of laws, mandates and agencies in violation of the United States Constitution that have invaded the sovereignty of the State of Texas;

Whereas, Article 1 Section 1 of the State of Texas Constitution states that “the perpetuity of the union depends on the right of local self-government unimpaired to all of the States”;

Whereas, Article 1 Section 2 of the State of Texas Constitution states that “all political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit” and “they have at all times the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient”;

Whereas, it is desirable and necessary for the Legislature to ascertain the will of the people on continued relationship between Texas and the United States and for that message to be communicated to the United States Federal Government;

Therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Texas assembled, that a plebiscite be conducted at the next regularly scheduled Constitutional amendment election on November 8, 2011, to determine the will of the citizens of the State of Texas regarding a declaration of independence from the government of the United States.

Be it further Resolved that:

The vote of the citizens on the issue of independence be non-binding and advisory only.

That the results of the voting of the citizens of Texas be reported to the Governor and the sitting members of the Legislature of the State of Texas for further consideration in accordance with the wishes of the citizens of the State of Texas.

That the results of the voting also be reported to the both houses of the United States Congress and the President of the United States.

That the wording of the issue to be placed on the ballot shall be as follows:

That the State of Texas should declare its independence from the United States of America and return to a Republican form of government as the Republic of Texas.

FOR: ________________

AGAINST: ______________

Passed and Resolved on this the ____ day of ____________________, 2011 by the House of the State of Texas.


Passed and Resolved on this the ____ day of ____________________, 2011 by the Senate of the State of Texas.


Texas Nationalist Movement
3104 Nederland Avenue
Nederland, TX 77627