Ozark High School's Lie About Controlling the IB Curriculum: They Can Write Their Own Curriculum, BUT...

School board members and administrators at Ozark High School are busy assuring parents the school will still have a say in the curriculum once the school becomes an International Baccalaureate World School. They are also busy trying to convince parents there is no anti-American agenda in the IB program, even though the IB endorses the United Nations Human Rights Doctrine which enforces Marxist beliefs like the redistribution of wealth and gun confiscation, while also promoting radical agendas like the Earth Charter.

To combat these arguments, the school board has assured parents they will still control the curriculum. Be careful before you buy into this claim. It's only a half-truth. Once again the Ozark School Board isn't telling you all the truth. I found this little gem from EdWatch.

Can IB schools write their own curriculum? IB schools can write their own curriculum so long as the beliefs and values of the curriculum agree with the beliefs and values of IB. The philosophy of IB must be incorporated into the school's core classes.

What are these values? Well I have already mentioned two of these values, the United Nation's Human Rights Doctrine with its Marxist agenda and the Earth Charter. EdWatch confirms this to be the case.

What are the "beliefs and values" of IB?
IBO insists that its beliefs and values form the core of the IB curriculum. IBO calls its curriculum "the best possible curriculum to be enjoyed by all who participate". What is this curriculum? The same paragraph in which IBO claims to have the best possible curriculum also clarifies that the essence of the IB curriculum is teaching students "those human values which are recognized as universal; these are embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, [as stated in Article 26] adopted and proclaimed by the General assembly of the United Nations in 1948" [A Continuum of International Education, published by IBO, p. 10, all emphasis in the original].

That is, IBO says its curriculum is "the best possible" for two interrelated reasons: (1) The IBO curriculum focuses on the beliefs and values it says are universal. These beliefs and values are seen by IBO, therefore, as being superior to the parochial beliefs and values of mere nations that are less than universal. That is, IB believes that it teaches the universal beliefs and values which are superior to the limited beliefs and values of the United States.

And (2) IBO says its curriculum is "the best possible" because IB teaches the beliefs and values of the UN as defined in the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights [UDHR]. This UN document specifically requires supporting nations to promote all the activities of the UN in its education program [UDHR, Article 26.]. This means that IBO is committed to teaching the beliefs and values contained in numerous UN treaties and accords the United States does not support such as Kyoto, the UN Treaty on the Rights of the Child, the Earth Charter, Agenda 21, the Biodiversity Treaty and many others. (IBO formed a partnership with UNESCO in 1996.)

Why is Chuck Fugate, Dr. Gordon Pace, and other school officials only delivering half truths about the the IB curriculum? Why do they keep hiding the other half from parents?

Simple, if parents at Ozark High School knew the truth about the values of the IB, there would be a massive protest in Ozark to keep the IB out of our schools.