Gridlock: Unlikely to See Significant Federal Spending Cuts Anytime Soon

The United States Congress is in gridlock. Whatever the House Republicans pass, it's unlikely Senate Democrats are going to go along as they play this budget game. What's all this mean? Even the Republicans meager attempts to cut federal spending will be soon shot down in the Senate. If they get through the Senate, it's unlikely Obama will give much ground to the GOP without a compromise. What this means, and verified today by the Reuters, is Gridlock.

Admiral Stockdale...

Senate Democrats are preparing a spending bill that yields no ground to House Republicans who are seeking deep cuts in government spending, a Democratic aide said on Wednesday.

The spending bill would essentially keep government spending at its current level through the end of the fiscal year on September 30, factoring in $4 billion in noncontroversial cuts that were included in a temporary spending measure passed earlier in the day.

So we can expect no dents in the national debt this year and next year too. So my question is to Billy Long and the Republicans, why didn't you go crazy with the spending cuts slashing a trillion or more just to put pressure on Democrats? Seriously, $100 billion?