Creepy Liberty Tax Statue of Liberty Dancing in the Parking Lot

Lady Liberty has been taking her hits lately. Not only is our federal government the greatest threat to liberty, we have some crazy Islamists hoping to put a burka on her just prior to demolishing the lady in the harbor. And if that isn't enough, it's tax time, which maybe the single greatest symbol of federal enslavement in the United States. Yes, the 16th Amendment changed America forever and not necessarily for the better, so the whole idea of liberty associated with taxes just makes me cringe.

It is that time of the year again. Time for those people on the side of the road waving at you while they wear the creepy Statue of Liberty costume. It really is wrong. Here's one woman who is standing out in the cold rain bopping to a white man's dance while Uncle Same takes a nice little chuck of this woman's income from each check. They call this liberty? I mean I don't mind paying taxes, but you have to admit America has reached the point now, through it's hundreds of taxes, that it is infringing on liberty. Think about that every time you pass on of those creepy Statue of Liberties in front of a Liberty Tax office in your community.

This Lady Liberty likes to shake her booty. It's a little disrespectful, don't you think?