Billy Long Finally Makes Statement on High Oil Prices, but Only After Roy Blunt Leads

The puppet Southwest Missourians sent to Washington has been notably quiet about high oil prices. I asked a couple weeks ago, where is Billy Long when it comes to fighting for American oil production to lessen costs on consumers. (Personally, I don't feel this is a federal matter, and that the 10th Amendment gives Alaska and other states the rights to drill without federal harassment.) None-the-less, the convoluted politicians in Washington, DC, believe they have the right to tell states like Alaska what to do with their natural resources.

So Billy Long finally speaks up on the high costs of oil, but he only does it once Roy Blunt has a plan. Now remember what was confirmed about Billy Long yesterday in the Springfield News-Leader.

But when asked about the provision in the bill that would sell off the frequency used by amateur radio operators, Long said that was news to him. He said he co-sponsored the bill because King, the homeland security chairman, asked him to.

Apparently the puppet called Billy was also told to keep his mouth shut and follow when it comes to oil as well. Long has finally issued a statement in support of "drill baby drill." It comes on the heels of Roy Blunt introducing a good bill that reverses the Clinton adminstration's Clean Air Act that forces oil companies to produce 100 plus various summer fuel formulations, which always drive up the costs at the end of March. Did you hear that? Your fuel costs are about to make another huge increase in about ten days, and thanks to Roy Blunt, this may be avoided in a couple of years.

So once Blunt makes his statement, Long appears to have an approval to make his statement in support of Blunt. Rightfully so on this issue, but once again it appears it's easy to see the strings that control Billy Long.

"I'm for more drilling," Blunt said. "We've now finally issued one new permit. The Gulf represents 29 percent of our domestic supply, and we've figured out how to honor just one request?"

Long agreed, adding that he also would support drilling in Alaska and in North Dakota's Bakken formation, which would create jobs and help provide relief at the pumps.

"We can definitely drill in Alaska. We can develop there," Long said, dismissing concerns about another oil spill like the one that happened last summer.

"I'm not that concerned about it. I think there were missteps the last time and that there are plenty of safeguards in place," he said. "I think they'll be more careful next time."

So what happened to this claim from Billy Long's campaign rhetoric in 2010 that Billy Long was his own man?