Obama's Deficit Reduction Plan Calls for an Additional 15 Cent Federal Gas Tax

Over the past few weeks, I have made note of how many dollars are leaving my state taken by the federal fuel tax. In comparison, the amount of earmarks my state received over the past three years pales to the amount the federal government receives in federal fuel taxes. Now remember, this money is taken with the promise of better roads and to maintain the roads. Obviously we are being lied to with this whole earmarks are bad illusion. If I had my way, the money would have never left the state so there was a need to earmark to see it gets returned. The whole system is corrupt on that principle.

Obama's deficit reduction play included another 15 cent spike in the fuel tax per gallon. No think about that for a minute? You pay your federal income taxes, and then with money that has already been taxed, you send the federal government more when you put gas in your tank from the money that was already been taxed. With rising fuel costs and a devaluing dollar, they want 15 cents more upon the 18.4 cents they already take when you purchase one gallon of gas. Do the math--33.4 cents on the gallon.

In Missouri, based on the the averages found on the Department of Natural Resources Web page, the average Missourian puts 600 gallons of gas in each car they own per year. That is another $110.40 we are forced to send to the federal government every year. That's one trip to the grocery store. Now Obama's commission wants to nearly double that. The average under the Obama proposal would be $200.40. Now, that doesn't sound like a lot, but when the government is already taking everything they can get their hands on to pay for their wasteful spending, it starts adding up. Consider what a 15 cents change at the pump already means to you.

The real truth here is once again we see how taxes, which are always passed with good intentions, are always taken with a broken promise. The fuel tax was supposed to go to fix our roads, but with earmarks endangered, the Obama administration appears ready to take it from the road fund and supposedly use it for the national debt.