Transforming into Good Socialists: Young Entrepreneurs Buy Into the Redistribution of Wealth

Some of the richest young people in the United States have bought into the Marxist belief that redistribution of wealth is good. If there is only one good thing about this story, it's the fact the government didn't force them by confiscation, but still...

There are 16 billionaires who have signed the "giving pledge." The pledge requires them to turn a majority of their wealth over. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook signed it. As well Steve Case of AOL has signed it too, so has Star Wars' George Lucas (although he isn't very young anymore).

Look at the liberals who are behind the giving pledge from the Wall Street Journal:

The Giving Pledge is an effort organized by software mogul Bill Gates and investor Warren Buffett to persuade the world's rich to boost their giving.

"I view this as a call to others who might in their thirties or forties use some of their creativity to get involved in philanthropy earlier in life," Mr. Milken, 64, said of the pledge.
Those pledging are part of a broader shift in philanthropy, in which successful business people—often entrepreneurs—are giving more of their money to charity far earlier than their predecessors. It was a trend that was helped along by Mr. Gates, who started his foundation while still leading Microsoft Corp.

Make no dobut about it. Charity is good, but the giving pledge promotes the redistribution of wealth with looney libs smiling as they give away their hard work.