Obama to Kill the School Bake Sale and Candy Bar Fundraisers: Brown-Bag Lunches Next Target

When I was a kid, we had cake walks to make the school bake sale more fun. You know, you paid 50 cents to walk around a circle in hopes of sitting in a lucky chair with a number. If that number was called, you won the cake for the round. The bake sale in various forms is a grade school tradition used to raise money for projects and clubs in schools everywhere. They may soon be outlawed by the federal government thanks to Barry and Michelle Obama.

The child nutrition bill pushed by the Obamas gives the federal government the power to limit bake sales and other fundraising activities like the selling candy and cookies to raise money for school clubs and other causes. If there is a chance the sugary snack will replace a lunchroom meal, then the federal food police are going to ban your bake sale at your school. Where is the Constitutional authority for the federal government? Surely they don't consider a bake sale interstate commerce do they?

“This could be a real train wreck for school districts,” Lucy Gettman of the National School Boards Association said Friday, a day after the House cleared the bill. “The federal government should not be in the business of regulating this kind of activity at the local level.”

The law would ban these snacks from being sold during school hours. I know almost all of us has seen a kid, or may have even been a kid, who sold candy bars to raise money for Prom, new football uniforms, or whatever. Under Michelle Obama's national food policing law in hopes of ending childhood obesity, all this would be illegal during school hours.

My friends, is the United States a free country when your kids can't even sell fundraising candy between classes for their senior prom without the intrusive federal government getting involved?

What's next? Will Michelle Obama demand a federal official from the USDA to look in the brown bag of every kid who brings their lunch to school to make sure contraband Twinkies, Ho Hos, Ding Dongs, Little Debbies, and Durito contraband aren't brought into the cafeteria?

Will the Obama administration police homeroom mothers who bake for school holiday parties? Nope, no cupcakes and candy for the Halloween party this year. Asparagus is the only acceptable food according to Big Brother and Michelle Obama.

Why is Obama controlling so much of our lives? Are we no longer a free people that are allowed life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, even if the happiness comes in a small cardboard cup and is labeled Chubby Hubby?