John Boehner Has his Priorities Straight: After Rumors Boehner was Closing Down Breast Feeding Room, He Decides to Build a New Bathroom

Rumors over the last week claimed new House Speaker John Boehner was going to close down a private room in Congress designated for female members to breast feed. Boehner says that was never true, and has decided to go above and beyond by using tax dollars to build a female bathroom accessible directly from the chamber floor. Hey, the last I looked we are broke!

Perhaps the women of the House should prove they can cut spending and earn their bathroom. I know it sounds sexist, but surely this is a bathroom that is just a few steps away from the House chamber right? In an era where we have been told by this federal government that we are going to have to tighten our belts and sacrifice (which means have more money confiscated from us in federal taxes), perhaps some luxuries of Congress need to be put on hold rather than paying a gazillion dollars in interest payments to save a few steps walking and the inconvenience of having to open another door.