More Big Brother at Walmart: Wine Vending Machines With a Breathalyzer

As if it's not bad enough 1984 like monitors are entering Walmart stores to sell you Department of Homeland Security propaganda with low prices, Walmart is becoming a part of Big Brother in other ways. In Pennsylvania, you may have to purchase wine at your neighborhood Walmart store through a vending machine. Talk about removing the classy feel of your favorite vineyard's package!

It doesn't stop there. Customers will be asked to swipe their drivers license through a magnetic reader before they are allowed to purchase the bottle of wine. Then they will have to undergo a breathalyzer test before they are allowed to continue to the purchase. Ok but what if they aren't driving? What crime have they committed to not be able to purchase?

I will tell you now, if Walmart engages in the police state activities like we are seeing hints of, I would expect people to start shopping elsewhere. We don't want to stand in line listening to Janet Napolitano ask us to spy on our neighbors and we don't want the inconvenience of feeling like a criminal just to buy a bottle of wine. Walmart better consider who its customers are.