Billy Long Spent Nearly a Quarter of a Million Dollars in Campaign Money in Washington DC

Billy Long's "Fed Up" commercials came with a huge price to Southwest Missouri. In fact, considering quality video production companies like Opfer Communications located in Southwest Missouri, you could say "fed up with Washington" Billy really delivered a huge insult to the people who elected Mr. Long from the town Long says he is fed up with.

Last summer before the primary, Billy Long's Federal Election Commission campaign reports showed Billy Long used two Washington Beltway media companies to produce his fed up with Washington commercials. Nothing says I'm fed up with Washington more than snubbing your own district to send business to Washington, does it?

Anyway, a final run down on Billy Long's FEC reports conducted by Joplin journalist Randy Turner shows Billy Long sent another $136,332.75 with Strategic Media Services, Washington, D. C. When you add it up, nearly a quarter million dollars left the Seventh District to produce commercials for Billy Long, which could have been produced here in Southwest Missouri. I remind you, Billy Long says he's concerned about Southwest Missouri jobs. Oh really Billy? Then why did you spend so much of your money outside of the district?