Michele Bachmann Voices Concerns Obama Tax Cut Compromise

Michele Bachmann was on Fox News with Megyn Kelly yesterday. She points out just the extension of the unemployment benefits will add another $54 billion to the national debt if Republicans compromise with Obama to continue the Bush tax cuts. As well she pointed out how a cut in the Social Security FICA tax will also add to more federal debt.

Unlike Jim DeMint who totally opposes the compromise, Bachmann is only expressing concerns as the the Tea Party caucus leader. Geez! She claims House leaders hasn't given members all the details yet, but the number $700 billion plus price tag continues to surface, so why isn't Bachmann taking a more serious stand like DeMint in opposition.

As well, she told Mark Levin yesterday:

“I think we’re back in a conundrum. I think the compromise would be extending the rates for two years and not permanently, but not tying it to massive spending. We cannot add on something like a year of unemployment benefits.

Tying it to massive spending is something that would be very difficult for members to swallow.”

At this point, as the Tea Party caucus leader she shouldn't be worried about swallowing. She should be trying to get other members who think they have a victory of tax cuts to get them to spit this up and throw it out.