Hiking Busiek State Park, Christian County, Missouri: The West Side

Today, I hiked eight miles on Busiek's West side. This included the red and the silver trails. The first part is a nice long flat stretch just shy of two miles and then comes the challenge. The best way to hike these two trails is to turn your hike into a figure eight. Go all the way to the western boundary of Busiek and climb the red mountain, which is a nice switch back. The descent is challenging--watch your step.

The exit of the red trail almost puts you on the silver trail. Take the silver trail which has a climb that is a bit more challenging and the descent isn't easy if you have wobbly legs after six miles of hiking.

I brought Kaleigh today, and she had a blast. If you bring your dog, make sure you bring a leash for the first part of the trail to protect them from running onto the rifle range. I let Kaleigh off her leash about a mile into the trail where she did a good job of leading and sniffing around.

Here's some pictures of today's hike and a video of Kaleigh running on the trail.

Kayleigh waits for me.

Saw tracks, but no actual bears.