Ozark High School is trying to adopt the International Baccalaureate degree program. Dr. Gordon Pace and the board of education are selling the program and better preparation for college, but parents are staring to realize the globalist agenda of the IB, which includes the redistribution of wealth denouncing American and Christian values and ideals.
Bernie Kennetz has a great letter in this week's Christian County Headliner warning parents of the true intentions of the IB and what Dr. Pace, Dr. Sam Taylor, and Chuck Fugate aren't telling you about the IB. Here is Mr. Kennetz letter:
Parents wanting a European education for their children should pay to send their children to a European school. Don’t make me pay!
The International Baccalaureate program (IB) is European. Ozark must pay roughly $10,000/year just to belong. Ozark must pay to buy the IB copyrighted curriculum. Ozark must pay to have IB personnel inspect their school on a continuing basis. Ozark must accept these IB inspectors, whether announced or unannounced, and Ozark must pay for the food, travel, and lodging of these IB inspectors. Ozark must pay for the re-education classes of its certified American teachers, indoctrinating them into the socialist European model. Ozark must pay for the food, travel, and lodging of these re-educated teachers, on a continuing basis. Ozark must pay for the testing that is graded by inspectors outside of the United States. Ozark must pay a non-refundable fee to protest any grade suspected of being in error and, should the disagreement continue, it must be settled per Swiss law, not American law. There are other costs, but I think that even a non-IB educated person can get the point.
The Socialist International (SI) is home to Marxists who left the Communist Party when Stalin gave it a bad name (Paraphrased, but their words not mine.). It is also a non-governmental organization (NGO) of the United Nations (U.N.). NGO’s of the U.N. must prove that they can promote the objectives and agendas of the U.N.
The IB is a NGO of the U.N. and has collaborative relationships with the Council of Europe and the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF). The IB’s alliance with the U.N. encourages the integration of its educational goals into the IB curriculum.
IB and SI have the same U.N. requirements, adherence to Marxism’s world without nations. Read the websites of both IB and SI. You will not be able to tell where one ends and the other begins. Neither has the view that America is special. Neither has the view that America is unique. Neither views Americans as being special or unique. Both desire the dissolution of America as a sovereign nation and the blending of America into a one world nation. Our school board wants you to pay for this!
I have a suggestion. Since I am already paying for the education of American students in American schools, that should be teaching American values, don’t make me pay to bring the European education system to Ozark. Don’t make me pay for the High School that wants to teach European education. Don’t make me pay to change American teachers into European teachers. Don’t make me pay for the salaries of re-educated teachers who want to teach European education. If you want it, you pay for it.
If the promoters of this European model, Dr. Sam Taylor, Dr. Gordon Pace, and Chuck Fugate, find any error in anything that I have stated, please let me know. I would love to set up a public debate, to discuss our public school, in a public setting. The only requirement would be that we say the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America, and not to the United Nations of Europe.
Bernie Kennetz
I have published additional information on Ozark High School and the International Baccalaureate. Please be sure to check out the additional information which will provide parents with greater insight to the radical changes Dr. Pace and the school board are introducing to Ozark students.
As well, the IB beleives in gun control:
If that isn't enough, there is a George Soros connection to the IB as well.