Obama Killing Republicans With Stimulus II: Pledge to America is Dead and Tea Party Silent

How much was that first failed stimulus bill that produced no jobs? $800 billion or so? Yeah, that sounds right.

How much is extending the Bush tax cuts under Obama's compromise going to cost? $700 to $900 billion? Yup. See a connection with the numbers?

Well guess what, the Republican party is getting ready to compromise, with few exceptions like Jim DeMint, all so they can get their tax cuts extended. This isn't acceptable! Weren't these Republicans promising a return to the 2008 spending levels, and one of the first things they do after the election is start compromising with Obama, who has engineered a stimulus bill in trade for tax cuts.

While the Tea Parties are mad at a few Republicans for earmarks, they should be alarmed with what's going on in Washington as Obama is pushing the agenda, holding a carrot out in front of the GOP with these tax cuts to push a second large stimulus bill. Surely the rest of the Republicans outside of DeMint and George Voinovich aren't so stupid that they can't see what Obama has done here.

Give it to Obama. He is clever as a fox, and he has steered the Republican party's 2010 victory quickly off the cliff. The Republicans are in the worst place they could be, and Obama has steered them there in less than 24 hours. The Pled

Guess what, Republicans will soon face the critical vote raising the debt ceiling. For all practical purposes, the Pledge to America, as weak as it was, is dead even before John Boehner takes the gavel.

We have stimulus II in front of us, and I am even impressed at how Obama stuck the dagger into the Republicans as sad as that is.

It's time for a Tea Party to condemn both parties on the compromise.