Congress Now Has the Unauthorized Power to Remove a Web Site with a Phone Call

All it took was a phone call from Senator Joe Lieberman, who Chairs the Homeland Security Committee, to remove a Web site. The Web site of course was WikiLeaks, a controversial site that has exposed thousands of the federal government's secrets. A site I have mixed emotions of as I realize once again how out of control and beyond the Constitutional limits set forth by our founding fathers the federal government has pushed. WikiLeaks has exposed this truth, and for that I am someone grateful because it allows freedom loving Americans the ability to see what they are up against with some transparency and has validated many arguments about what the federal government is doing to acquire more power.

I ask you a question. What Constitutional authority does a United States Senator have to call up a private corporation and demand they remove a Web site. If Lieberman can do it this easily, then I should expect Billy Long will soon make a phone call as well. This is an abuse of federal power.