WikiLeaks Could Be Helping Save the United States

Today's news the Federal Reserve began bailing out banks and Wall Street Firms with $9 trillion even before George W. Bush pushed TARP, combined with the additional hidden knowledge that companies like McDonald's and Harley Davidson tells me our elected representatives in Washington aren't doing their job. The American federal government is no longer a government of the people for the people and by the people. How could our elected officials betray us in such a manner, as our tax dollars are careless handed out to companies without any knowledge of the American people for bailouts with no solid plans for it ever to be passed.

Our federal government has become a secret society closed off from the people it represents and the people that it is supposed to be made up of. Our federal government has betrayed us yet again, and they did it hoping they would never be held accountable for their actions. They are risking our futures as they handout bailouts like Halloween candy, and yet we are supposed to overlook all that and shake our fists at WikiLeaks--an Internet service that might actually have more to do with saving the United States than destroying it.

That's an peculiar statement isn't it? WikiLeaks could be saving the United States? Through WikiLeaks, the American people are waking up to the fact the country they were sold acts one way, acts in a contradictory way--long gone from the visions of the Founding Fathers. We are learning the ugly side of what our federal government has really become. WikiLeaks has Americans talking and asking questions about the actions of their federal government.

I think back to the 2008 elections and one word continues to come to mind--'transparency.' Remember Obama promising to run the most transparent administration in the history of the presidency who would work to rebuild our 'tarnished' image? Has he done this? Has he offered any ounce more of transparency of the federal government, or has he covered it up as he continues to construct the American police state.

WikiLeaks has continues to verify there are lots wrong with the federal government. While you may be upset with WikiLeaks for putting out a bunch of trivial national security documents, these documents offer some real transparency in the actions and the expansion of unconstitutional federal powers occurring in Washington. The American public is now informed about what our federal government is doing. We are getting an insight into Obama's lack of leadership and his leadership methods from these government documents and finding out our Executive branch has powers beyond what the Constitution offers, and these powers must be stopped.

WikiLeaks is also justifying how the military budget needs to be cut. When we are paying millions of dollars for precision weapons that are sold with claims they will hit the target with pinpoint accuracy to minimize civilian casualties but aren't achieving that accuracy, then our elected representatives need to be questioning the defense contractors they approve appropriations for. Yet, I see more legislators calling WikiLeaks the enemy demanding they be stopped. Why isn't our representatives taking this information and using it to their advantage to pull this federal government back to control?

We also learn from WikiLeaks how the federal government is using GMO seeds to control the food supply around the world. Direct from the State Department, a cable expressed the need to find out key information to get the African continent to accept and begin implementing GMO crops. It's not hard to figure out how GMO seeds are being manipulated to achieve more global power.

While I admit the federal government needs to keep some secrets, these secrets should comply with the Constitution. The WikiLeaks clearly show that our federal government is beyond their limits of federal power on such a scale that all Americans should be considering the federal government the threat and not WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks should be a tool at this point to gain understanding of just how out of control the federal government has become, and we need to use this information to push our cause of returning our federal government back to the vision of our founding fathers. If we lose this fight, we are going to continue to watch this federal government grow into the oppressive police state that we are seeing exposed today.

The bottom line is WikiLeaks has exposed just how out of control the federal government really is.