New Information About TSA Checkpoints at Bus Stations

As Americans, we have transformed from a people with rights to a people who must seek permission from the government in order to do common things like travel. When you subject yourself to a TSA checkpoint, a sign of the new American police state, you are asking the federal government to grant you permission to get on an airplane and now a bus. Before you get permission, you must allow them feel your genitals or allow them to photograph your naked body with their imaging units.

This is not America anymore to me. This is no longer a government of the people for the people by the people. This is a government of a few tyrants that have allowed the terrorists to win by taking it in their own hands to destroy American rights for the illusion of safety. Here we have another story of the TSA pushing their weight around in bus stations. I touched on this last week, but the story has grown.

You see, once it starts, it doesn't stop. Soon these pat downs will become a part of regular everyday life. It won't be long until the public schools start molesting children with their pat downs to create the illusion of safety for parents. The road to hell is paved through good intentions, well, life in America will be hell if we continue to allow this tyranny to strip our rights away.