Obama Bans Offshore Drilling Again: Five Year Ban on Gulf, Atlantic, and Pacific Drilling

Is Obama aware the Chinese are horizontally drilling into waters we call our own and have oil rights to? They are off the coast of Cuba as close to American water as they can legally be without violating our waterway rights. Their drill bits are crossing the line and taking oil from the earth which America should be removing. Of course, we will buy some of this oil from the Chinese over time and transfer more American wealth to China. Obama seems quite clueless honestly.

He is reimposing his offshore oil drilling ban. With more Chinese contractors in places like Texas taking our oil, with more Chinese horizontal drilling into our waters, Obama's direction would prevent Americans from taking this oil.

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced Wednesday afternoon that the Obama administration will not allow offshore oil drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico or off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts as part of the next five-year drilling plan, reversing two key policy changes President Obama announced in late March.

"We are adjusting our strategy in areas where there are no active leases," Salazar told reporters in a phone call, adding that the administration has decided "not expand to new areas at this time" and instead "focus and expand our critical resources on areas that are currently active" when it comes to oil and gas drilling.