Mayberry Madness: Andy Griffith Teams Up With Obama to Push Obamacare

It's hard not to think about American culture and not consider The Andy Griffith Show. You know the legendary television show that has survived the test of time featuring life in small town America with a cast of characters that include Sheriff Andy, Barney Fife, Aunt Bee, and even the dopey Marine Gomer Pyle. For some reason, Andy Griffith these days is promoting the un-American idea of big federal government.

That's right. That's Andy Griffith looking quite old pushing Obamacare. One has to wonder if Griffith is all there these days? After all, what a better way to get older Americans to buy into this federal leviathan that further reduces your individual rights than to take advantage of old Andy Griffith to create ethos for the nation's seniors.

Surely Andy Taylor wouldn't approve would he? Didn't he enjoy life in Mayberry without the strong arm of government making everyone's life hell?