Sarah Steelman the Weakest Link in First 2012 US Senate Poll Against Claire McCaskill

The weakest comes forward first. Sarah Steelman announced her candidacy for US Senate today for the seat currently held by Claire McCaskill. Out of the three primary GOP candidates, Sarah Steelman was the only one who did not beat Claire McCaskill in this early poll. She trails McCaskill by one point.

Other GOP candidates have a two point lead on McCaskill. Both Jim Talent and Peter Kinder have a small lead over McCaskill.

The Public Policy Poll shows McCaskill's approval ranks with Obama's at 43% despite McCaskill working to distance herself from Obama. The Missouri Democratic party described McCaskill as an independent voter (LOL) today in their press release noting their reactions to Steelman's announcement.

It also should be noted that Peter Kinder is considering the governor's job, but will have a tough battle against Jay Nixon if that's the path he decided to take.

What's this say about Sarah Steelman considering McCaskill's low approval rating and the anti-Democrat mood in the country today?

Here's the release from Public Policy:

Missouri 2012 US Senate Poll Sarah Steelman Weakest of GOP Major Candidates