Ozark High School Teacher Warns Parents of the International Baccalaureate

From today's Christian County Headliner, a letter from one of the teachers at Ozark High School warning parents about the real agenda of the International Baccalaureate:

Parents of top-tier students at Ozark Junior High and Upper Elementary need to prepare themselves for informational meetings that are going to try to sell them on having their children participate in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) when they reach high school. According to the Ozark High School IB Strategic Plan, these meetings are scheduled to begin early in the spring semester.

International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) indoctrinated administrators; counselors and teachers are going to praise the rigorous academic challenges of the program. They are going to tell these parents that IB will challenge their children academically and better prepare them for college and increase their children’s chances of admissions into premier colleges. They are going to tell them that the IBDP is going to set Ozark School District apart from other school districts in the area and the hope is that offering this program will draw the best and the brightest from those same school districts to Ozark. They are going to explain that the community will benefit from the IBDP through the district teaching staff receiving international education and professional development that will result in well-rounded internationally educated and tested students. They will tell you that the seniors that make it through (which many will not) the IBDP and use it to their advantage will help spur future growth of the program to include implementing the Middle Years Program (MYP) at the junior high and the Primary Years Program (PYP) in the elementary schools. They will not tell you the cost in tax dollars given to a foreign country.

Parents need to arm themselves with knowledge about these IB programs. Do not be lead like sheep by the all-knowing shepherds. This program has been brought to Ozark with no transparency. The Ozark High School IB Strategic Plan makes no mention of the required IBO feasibility study. IBO’s DP Program guide to school application specifically states “a thorough feasibility study should be conducted on the possible consequences of implementing the program. All members of the school community should be consulted including students, parents, teachers and heads of departments. As a teacher at Ozark I can tell you that only the departments involved with IBDP were consulted and we already know that IB was proposed and approved at the same school board meeting. And what are the possible consequences of having IB at the high school?

I encourage all parents to visit the website http://truthaboutib.com/ibbuyersbeware/ibinozarkmo.html and arm yourselves with knowledge about IBO and its programs.

“Adoption of IB affects an entire school site. At the high school level, IB does not have to be the sole curriculum. The expectation is that “it must be made very clear that the program does have a major role to play in the school and that the intrinsic values espoused by IBDP are relevant to the whole school, are firmly embraced by the published school mission statement. All IBDP schools are required to embrace and to espouse the importance of developing certain international values in students, especially a strong sense of international awareness, intercultural understanding, tolerance and compassion.”—Debra K. Niwa

Any program that subverts the rights guaranteed in the Constitution by replacing those rights with those of the UN’s worldview is un-American! The UN worldview includes the promotion of the Earth Charter (a religious/pantheistic document). The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (which views human rights the same way Communist countries view human rights) and multiculturalism (which is based on the ideology of Italian Marxist, Antonio Gramsci). Our education system will soon be under assault by the ideology expressed and imbedded in the IB program and the cost per IB Diploma will be outrageous.

Ronnie L. White

Retired Master Sgt., Ozark