An Open Letter to Dr. Gordon Pace on the International Baccalaureate and Ozark Schools

Dr. Pace,

With all due respect, you are a contradiction and a man who I am questioning the character of. As you push the globalist agenda of the IB in Ozark Schools, while Chuck Fugate waves American flags to continue the deception, I wonder how a graduate of Evangel College promotes a global organization that denounces the God Evangel University includes in their curriculum?

You are creating a great deception with your insistence to push the International Baccalaureate without providing parents all the facts—like the anti-American organization and efforts the IB supports, it’s ties to the United Nations that continues to push America to give up more of her sovereignty (including water way rights at this time), and of course its ties to Earth Charter which promotes Pantheism.

If you are true to Christian religion, which I believe should be the case based on your educational background, the IB shouldn’t even be considered at Ozark High Schools under your leadership. Don’t respond with a separation of church and state argument, because there is no separation of church and state in our Constitution. Yet, I hear it is you that is driving this push for IB status. You obviously don’t have a good understanding of the attacks on American and Christian values, and how the schools are being used to condition students around the world to destroy these values.

I beg you to stop in your tracks, and reconsider the directions your are taking. The IB isn’t about the values of our community. We are Americans, not globalists. American values of liberty and freedom need to be spread around the world, and we should accept nothing less. That’s what the IB is asking of students.

I have taken the time to write multiple arguments against why Ozark residents should be outraged with your decision to move towards the IB agenda. We will remove our kids from Ozark Schools if you continue down this path. We will also ask the freedom loving people of Ozark to remove you and anyone else from their positions if they continue to push this globalist, un-American agenda upon Ozark students.

I am enclosing a number of links for you to review and consider in hopes you end this radical destination you have placed Ozark Schools on the path of.