Is Hillary Clinton's Political Career Over After WikiLeaks?

Many are calling on Hillary Clinton to step down after what has been exposed in WikiLeaks about the way she conducts business at the State Department. It's not going to happen. Remember, the Clintons believe they do no wrong and are above this. None-the-less, more and more are calling for her resignation as Secretary of State. One has to wonder, considering the closeness of the 2012 elections and Hillary's name as a potential opponent to Barack Obama, if she hasn't been set up by someone within to take the fall for Obama as well. If you still believe a private in the United States Army got a hold of all this information and pulled of the greatest security leak in our time, you are sadly mistaken. This is much bigger.

There were a number of articles and blog yesterday suggesting its time for Hillary to go after the leaks showed that her office encouraged diplomats to become spies. This is not something you ask of diplomats, but it has happened during the same people who promised to improve diplomatic relations around the world with hope and change.

Now, there has been a unique voice calling for Hillary to step down--no other than the founder of WikiLeaks himself, Julian Assange. This might be the most helpful voice for Hillary. Obviously, seen as a villain by most, his call for her to resign will only further anger the people who are upset he released this information--information that Americans should realize shows Obama as a weak leader. In fact, Republicans should be using the information to set up Obama's defeat in a couple years ago and send Hillary packing.

So for now, it probably isn't over. Arrogance and the latest call for her to step down will be what keeps her in office. She has dishonored her position as Secretary of State.