GMOs and Terminator Seeds: Why is the Federal Government Pushing Monsanto GMO Crops Around the World?

SB510, the Food Safety Act, passed yesterday. You can expect companies like Monsanto to grow more powerful over the nation's food supply while the small farmer suffers the evils of Monsanto as a dangerous game is played as they continue to alter the food supply and develop seeds that produce sterile crops. WikiLeaks produced another fascinating leak, and it regards GMO seeds as well. You have to ask yourself why is the United States government pushing GMO seeds not only in our own country through legislation like the Food Safety Act but around the world also?

In a cable released by WikiLeaks, the State Department on April 16, 2009, was searching for information on the African Great Lakes (Droc, Brundi, Rwanda). What stands out about the cable is section 4, food safety and agriculture. Here is that section:


4) Food Security and Agriculture (FOOD)

-- Government policies, plans, intentions, and actions
regarding food security and food safety, and willingness to
cooperate with UN and other donor agencies.
-- Nutritional status of population, including refugees.
-- Indications that rising food prices are adversely
affecting nutritional status and/or contributing to
instability; use of subsidies or export/import bans.
-- Yields and prospects for cash and subsistence crops;
changes in agricultural practices, such as cropping patterns
and crop selection; use/availability of seeds and fertilizers.
-- Government acceptance of genetically modified food and
propagation of genetically modified crops.

-- Status of structural adjustments and infrastructure
improvements to increase agricultural producer income and
reduce migration to urban areas.
-- Information on surface and groundwater resources, to
include sources, treatment, distribution and storage.
-- Indications that deforestation, desertification, erosion
and degradation of soils are affecting agricultural output.
-- Food contamination affecting population health.
-- Indications of invasive species, especially those
affecting food security or development.
-- Indications of water table degradation, decreases in lake
levels below historic norms, or evidence of territorial
disputes associated with declining water resources or quality.

Notice the section that I bolded. The State Department wants to know what the government acceptance is of genetically modified food and propagation of genetically modified crops. I am left to wonder why this is of any importance to the United States government, a government who obviously now has an agenda when it comes to GMOs.

Why this could be nothing at all, I wonder if there is something more sinister here. We are watching agriculture shift in the United States. A poor decision by the Supreme Court that allows the patent of life allowed Monsanto to patent its genetically modified seeds. Since then Monsanto has been buying up seed companies and shelfing nature's seeds--the non-genetically modified originals. As well, the United States government has been engaged in research and development with companies like Monsanto.

Since 1983, the United States government has worked on a genetically modified seed known as the terminator with a little company that was recently bought by Monsanto called Delta and Pine Land. These seeds are sterile. In other words when you plant a terminator seed, it will not yield any seeds to you can take from the crops to grow for the next year. Now why would you want to do that considering hunger creates the most basic need of human life?

Could it be food will one day be like oil and the country that owns the food supply (the seeds) will be the country with all the power? I know it sounds crazy, but all things considered why else would you want to develop seeds that don't yield the ability plant again for the next growing season? What is the advantage in it other than power?

So when you look at the State Department's cable on GMOs, you have to ask why is the government in this game of research, development, and pushing the GMO seeds upon the rest of the world to forever change the production of their fields?

The truth of the GMO seeds is it give its owners the power to control the food seed of entire nations or regions. In other words, we are setting up a powder keg situation where the world will depend on the United States for seed once the pollen of these GMO and terminator seeds pollute fields around the world, and we will have the ultimate power of the food supply. There is simply no other reason to produce seeds that terminate after planting and fail to produce life beyond its crop. The other question is, how many people will starve around the world as this GMO game of power is played?