International Baccalaureate Supports Gun Control: Ozark High School Parents Beware

The new mark of the beast in Ozark, Missouri.
I am perplexed why the administration and school board of Ozark High School is blindly following the globalist agenda of the International Baccalaureate. Dr. Gordon Pace and Chuck Fugate are not being honest and giving parents the total picture of the values of the IB. They are selling the program to parents on the basis it will better prepare students for college. Perhaps, parents should be asking why aren't Dr. Pace and his faculty are capable preparing Ozark students for college without an international governing body promoted by the United Nations instructing Dr. Pace and his faculty how to educate students.

That's the reality of the International Baccalaureate. More control of the school will be transferred from the community of Ozark to Geneva Switzerland. Now what does Geneva Switzerland know about our educational values here in Ozark?

Parents need to understand what Dr. Pace chooses not to tell you. The IB is connected to some radical left wing causes the include anti-American sentiment. I have put together a number of articles on this Web site that gives parents greater insight to the globalist agenda Dr. Pace has chosen to put Ozark High School on the path to. You can view those articles by visiting, and

I know living in Ozark, Missouri, we are lovers of the Second Amendment. We have Bass Pro Shops a few miles in both direction down the road. We love to hunt and shoot. Heck, we even have a local gun show at the Elks Lodge and the parking lot is always full. With this truth, it should be known to Ozark residents the IB supports gun control.

While the IB agenda does't say so directly, they advocate for a number of left-wing, anti American organizations which I will use this article to point out. The first is the IB has ties to the United Nations, and the IB supports the United Nation's Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Let's thumb a few pages into this declaration and read what it thinks of America's founding documents, which include the Second Amendment. Article 29 of the UN document puts the United Nations in authority over individual rights. If this plan was adopted world wide under the Untied Nation's authority, the founding documents would come second and be irrelevant. Unlike America’s founding documents, which describe individual rights as "inalienable." Article 29 states: "These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations."

Do I need to remind you that United Nations continues to push for gun control in the United States?

There is a IB connection that pushes gun control as well. It is called Earth Charter, and the IB is on board without any questions. The International Baccalaureate issued the following statement in their support of Earth Charter.

We, the undersigned, endorse the Earth Charter. We embrace the spirit and aims of the document. We pledge to join the global partnership for a just, sustainable, and peaceful world and to work for the realization of the values and principles of the Earth Charter. We pledge to join the Global Partnership in Support of the Earth Charter Initiative for a sustainable way of life AND urge all governments to endorse the Earth Charter.

Article 16.d.&e. calls for Military disarmament around the world. This section goes as far as disarming everyone in the world. Now our founding fathers knew the very idea of this was ludicrous. They gave us the Second Amendment right to bear arms in order to protect from oppression, but the Earth Charter merely promotes it by demanding even the smallest of arms being taken away from all persons.

Dr. Pace, Dr. Sam Taylor, and Chuck Fugate aren't going to tell you these things about the International Baccalaureate. They on only going to explain to you the love your kids are going to get from colleges if this have this piece of paper with the IB symbol on it. Trust me, that symbol is the mark of the beast for our liberty and freedom, specifically our Second Amendment rights in this case, although I am sure I have presented enough information to show the Bill of Rights and the Constitution are irrelevant under the IB charter.

In closing I want to remind you what Ronald Reagan said. Dr. Pace will claim he has worked in an IB school, and he has seen no reason to fear the reasons to fear the warnings I present to you. Like visitors from outer space in the movies and TV, the IB comes in peace at first. They slowly begin to indoctrinate your children with anti-American ideas. Before long, like the visitors, they are attacking all we hold near and dear. You may not see these truths immediately with the IB, but as time rolls on and another generation of Americans are conditioned with the agenda of the IB, greater acceptance of the UN's charter will be begin to take place and more anti-American sentiment will be heard.

Ronald Reagan said, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."

Do you really want to take a chance with the IB knowing the truths I present to you?