Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST): Precrime TSA Checkpoints to Begin Mind Reading

Future Attribute Screening Technology, or FAST, is the next generation of TSA security that will soon be implemented across the United Stats in Airports. However it doesn't stop there. The mobile checkpoints will be used in communities across the United States for events like sporting events, which the following TSA film explains.

FAST is a computer version of the precogs that were featured in the Tom Cruise move Minority Report that reports precrimes. While that may instantly provide doubts for you, a short movie describing FAST issued by the Department of Homeland Security explains how the TSA will begin their mind reading to determine how likely you are to commit a crime. The question here is, if you fail the test, what Constitutional rights will you have?

Will the computer judge the probable cause? Based on what? What will be the penalties of the computer determines you are likely to do something wrong? How does it even know.

This is why we have to stop the TSA now before this goes any further. As you can see the Department of Homeland Security is clearly creating a big brother police state. This machine is further evidence of that. Seriously folks, are you going to let the government start reading your mind before you attempt to enjoy any sort of life? The TSA is over (if you want it), but you are going to have to stand up for your rights to end this tyranny.